How well do you know the Finnish Christmas tree? Get more than 8 right in our quiz, and you could almost pass for a Finn. Complete the Christmas Spruce Quiz here: ??
What a lesson in knowing that we all have our different time. Check the short article below.
Garden series VII: Times and turns
My new article on Medium is now available!
ATTENTION: Snake plants are now called Dracaena (bye, Sansevieria)
Elena, you've shared a profound and insightful perspective on the interconnectedness of life. 1. The importance of microorganisms: ??- Trillions of tiny organisms play crucial roles in our existence. ??- They're present in soil, aiding in food production. ??- They're also inside our bodies, helping with digestion. 2. Interconnectedness of life: ??- The traditional view of "nature and us" as separate entities is challenged. ??- We're part of a vast, interconnected web of life. 3. Unity of all living things: ??- All life forms, from microscopic bacteria to complex organisms like humans, are connected. ??- This connection emphasizes our place within the broader ecosystem. 4. Responsibility and stewardship: ??- This perspective highlights the preciousness of life's interconnectedness. ??- It suggests we have a responsibility to protect this delicate balance. This viewpoint aligns with both scientific understanding and many philosophical or spiritual traditions that emphasize the unity of life. It encourages a shift from seeing ourselves as separate from nature to recognizing our role within it. The message implicitly calls for: - Greater appreciation of biodiversity - More sustainable practices - Careful consideration of how our actions impact the wider ecosystem By framing it as a question ("Isn't it precious? And isn't it our responsibility to protect it?"), the post invites reflection and personal engagement with these ideas. It's a call to reconsider our relationship with the natural world and our role in preserving the intricate balance of life on Earth.
Born & raised in the Arctic ?? | CEO at +EARTH+, nature tech for land regeneration ?? | Sustainability Speaker ?? | Mother of ??
We are alive, thanks to trillions of tiny organisms! They are in our soils: to help us grow food. ?? They are inside of us: to help us digest food. ?? When we say: it’s nature and us. It isn’t. We are all life, connected together. Isn’t it precious? And isn’t it our responsibility to protect it? What a beautiful video from Sadhguru JV! I won’t look at food the same ever again! ??
Did you know? The species of hummingbird that you can see at your feeders is largely dependent on where you live. And whether you see a little or a lot of hummingbirds can depend on factors from your region to how often you change your nectar, and more. Learn more about the hummingbirds in your area, what they eat, how they nest and how to attract them:
This is our first hello, but probably the one which is going to reach the least number of people. Irrespective, the firsts are always special so here's one for you. :) Well, we're in the midst of building something super cool, and undoubtedly, there's something special cooking. Our first priority is help you understand the dish we're preparing. And hence this first lesson is all about teaching you the name of that dish. So, if you have a moment to spare, take a quick Google dive into the creature that logs the most travel miles on the planet—it's the Arctic tern, also known as the polar tern. And guess what? That's precisely what we're constructing here.
When Tumblebug Ltd embarked on its journey to create a way to RECOVER ROTATE and REGENERATE the millions of tonnes of unappreciated organic resources we treat as 'waste biomass' we were focused on how we can Regenerate our soils to become rich living ecosystems, and reduce impact on climate change. The growing medium and fertilisers we can generate will be produced locally, to meet the needs of local #farmers, #growers, #gardeners, #communitygardeners . We will empower people to create their own regenerative solutions which deliver on the triple bottom line and produce enough but not too much... But how much is enough? Our trials show that too much biochar can be detrimental to growth and when certain percentages were included we encountered inhibiting results. I am concerned that we dont know enough about how much #biochar the world needs. to revive the living soil year on year... What load does the land need? A market that is growing so fast ... will we create a situation like the plastic industry? We do not learn as a species... we are creating a solution and a market for a product which requires exceptionally tight control on quality, but who knows how much the soil needs long term? How many times and for how many years do we need to apply it before we damage the very thing we are trying to save? Just like plastic..designed to save elephants etc... now look what we have done? I'd welcome thoughts. We need sustainable growth not unlimited growth of this market. Australia New Zealand Biochar Industry Group (ANZBIG) Kathleen Draper European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI) ... How will we control the scaling of the market and identify if and when enough is enough?
Born & raised in the Arctic ?? | CEO at +EARTH+, nature tech for land regeneration ?? | Sustainability Speaker ?? | Mother of ??
We are alive, thanks to trillions of tiny organisms! They are in our soils: to help us grow food. ?? They are inside of us: to help us digest food. ?? When we say: it’s nature and us. It isn’t. We are all life, connected together. Isn’t it precious? And isn’t it our responsibility to protect it? What a beautiful video from Sadhguru JV! I won’t look at food the same ever again! ??
it is possible
Program management| Agribusiness| Value chain analysis| Knowledge Management| Partnerships| Sustainability|Content creation| Social media management| Economics| Business Development| Dairy Farmer|Productive use of energy
Today, is not small machines that make works easier but small animals ?? ?? ?? Forget about trapping rats ?? and eating them. How about training them to sniff out landmines and saving lives while at it? I genuinely think that there is definitely something to do for everyone on this earth. You just need to find it. Share/REPOST the video for wider reach ??. Also click the bell ?? icon and follow Wangechi Kuria for interesting banter.
- Do you know the reason behind the nostalgic and comforting smell of rain hitting soil? Watch this new video by me to know the answer. |like|share|follow|comment
Agri?? Minute? Concepts?? on Instagram: "Mitti Di Khushbu : Petrichor | Reasons | Benefits @ayushmannk : song credits #Petrichor #MittiDiKhushboo #RainSmell #creatorsofinstagram #Nostalgia #HappyVibes #RainyDays #NatureLovers #EarthyAroma #FeelGood #SerotoninBoost #RainMagic #RainAndMemories #CulturalConnections #GlobalNature"