State opens new 50-bed ‘microshelter’ community for homeless under freeway overpasses. Salt Lake City mayor calls relocation, shift from original pilot project a ‘landmark moment’...
Did you know that parking lots can play a crucial role in helping the homeless? Discover how innovative programs are transforming unused spaces to provide safe havens for those in need.?? Read the full story: Parking Today Media?? #realestate #parking #innovation #industryinsights #article #homelesscommunity?? Tag – Parking Today
Beware of becoming the oppressors in efforts to combat homelessness. The sudden destruction of encampments traumatizes our neighbors. Encampments are often more safe and secure than shelters. A sense of comradery and community are built there. Ease into the transition! Rapport building is key! Deploy your street outreach teams! Allow your neighbors to get connected and build trust as we move them into Housing First.
The impact of encampment removals is "the equivalent of having your house burned down multiple times a year — just over and over again, you’re losing everything and starting from scratch each time." - Alexandra Paisano, New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness
?? SAMMinistries in the News ???? "San Antonio is on track to nearly double encampment sweeps this year" by Iris Dimmick and San Antonio Report "According to data provided by the City of San Antonio, San Antonio has already surpassed its goal to get?400 people?into shelter or housing this year. Between October 2023 and March 2024, the homeless response system helped 934 individuals move from the streets to shelter or housing, the city’s?new data dashboard shows. ... However, more than 1,450 people became unhoused or returned to the street for a net of 751 people who found shelter or more permanent housing." "Ultimately, San Antonio needs more shelter, housing and rehabilitation options." - Nikisha Bronson Baker, President and CEO of SAMMinistries. Learn more: #PermanentSupportiveHousing #OvercomingHomelessness
The article 'You Can't Arrest a Housing Shortage' sheds light on the ineffective strategy of criminalizing homelessness, emphasizing the need to address the root cause: the lack of affordable housing. Instead of costly cycles of arrest and release, successful alternatives like Housing First initiatives and Community Land Trusts offer more effective and humane solutions. It's time to prioritize affordable housing and support services over punitive measures to combat homelessness effectively. #AffordableHousing #EndHomelessness
What We're Reading ?? Tim Moore is among several individuals previously experiencing chronic homelessness who recently moved from an island in the middle of the San Diego River into housing. With the help of state and federal funding, Tim has been placed in permanent supportive housing in Grantville. Permanent supportive housing combines affordability with wraparound services including case management, employment assistance, access to treatment, and financial literacy training. As noted in this inewsource article, people who manage to end their homelessness after moving into permanent supportive housing have a 96 percent success rate of staying housed over the long term. (Translation: 96 out of 100 people who enter permanent supportive housing do not return to homelessness or the shelter system!) #housingendshomelessness #housingsolveshomelessness #homelessnessissolvable #sandiego #homeless #permanentsupportivehousing PATH
More than two-dozen California cities passed, strengthened or are considering ordinances that penalize people for sleeping outside, after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed cities to crack down. But advocates for the rights of unhoused people worry the push toward enforcement will make the problem worse. Without opening more shelters or affordable housing, breaking up homeless camps will do nothing but shuffle people from one spot to another. Activists say displacing people from encampments can sever their ties to case workers, medical clinics and other vital services. That disruption — in addition to fines and arrests — makes it harder for people to find housing. “A lot of communities, I think, rather than doing the hard work of providing housing and other services, are criminalizing homelessness and making it illegal for people to stand, sit, sleep or use anything like a blanket,” said Alex Visotzky, senior California policy fellow for the National Alliance to End Homelessness. “And these policies, of course, fail to reduce homelessness and also create additional barriers to housing people.”
The recent 6-3 #GrantsPass decision allows cities to enforce bans on sleeping in public places, even when there aren't enough shelter beds. This ruling, one of the most significant on #homelessness in decades, risks diverting attention from more productive solutions. To effectively address homelessness, it's crucial that people first understand what the problem of chronic homelessness is: the result of a broken #housing system. “The research is quite clear on this: Homelessness reaches epidemic levels in communities where housing is far too expensive and there is not enough of it. Let’s unpack this a little. There are individual determinants of homelessness, and there are societal determinants of homelessness. The former are factors in someone’s life that might explain why an individual becomes unhoused. The latter are the reasons the rate of chronic homelessness varies dramatically from one city or region to another.” Learn more:?
The Supreme Court's decision is a setback for compassion and humanity. Criminalizing homelessness is not a solution; it only exacerbates the crisis that has deepened under Mayor Todd Gloria's failed leadership. Under Mayor Gloria, San Diego has witnessed a 45% increase in homelessness. His decisions, including the mismanagement of over $200 million on ineffective strategies, have failed to address the root causes of homelessness. This administration has wasted taxpayer money without using metrics of success to evaluate the effectiveness of their plans. My plan focuses on investing in permanent supportive and affordable housing. We need a comprehensive strategy that provides long-term stability and support for homeless individuals to rebuild their lives. I will provide detailed reports on our progress, ensuring that resources are effectively utilized. Through community engagement and stakeholder collaboration, we will develop strategies that address homelessness while upholding our values of compassion and justice. Together, we will continue to fight for a city where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Let us stand united in creating a safer and more compassionate San Diego.
In Homeless Management Information Systems, Coordinated Entry, Continuum of Care, social services, supportive case management, property management, compliance under income as well as housing status verification for homeless re-entry, veterans, foster aged youth, seniors, etc - is there adaptive integrated prop tech, tenant tech, etc in supportive services for homeless housing? Maybe there are many more Better Angels out there! #proptech #buildingtech #integratedcare #coordinatedentry -
In this article, I explore the structural reasons behind unsheltered homelessness: metrics and rigid definitions that work against practical solutions. While only permanent housing technically ends homelessness, it's crucial to shift our focus from numbers to measuring the human suffering. Our priority should be reducing the number of human nights spent on the streets each year. Ultimately, ensuring individuals thrive in a safe, stable environment is far more important than the duration of their stay. If a person is indoors and thriving in a safe, stable place-- do we care if they can stay there 6 months or 60 years? #endunshelteredhomelessness #homelessnessissolvable #dignitymoves Link to the article: