Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise Instructions Grab a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip and sit on the edge of a flat bench with your feet around shoulder width apart. This is the starting position for the exercise. Slowly raise the dumbbells to around shoulder height. Pause and slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for desired reps. Seated lateral raises with dumbbells primarily benefit by effectively isolating and targeting the lateral deltoid muscles, leading to well-defined shoulders, improved shoulder mobility and stability, and a reduced risk of shoulder injuries. #fitness #fitnessgoals #fitnessmodel #gym #gymmotivation #viral #viralreels #viralvideo
Dealing with hypermobile neck pain, a clenched jaw, or stress? Join me for 60 seconds of Neck Stability for Hypermobility to immediately reduce neck and shoulder tension. #hypermobile #heds #eds #fitness #neckpain
Next stability for hypermobility ? #ehlersdanlos #hypermobility #fitness #ehlerdanlosfitness
In this YouTube short video titled "Master Bodyweight Exercises at Home," I delve into the fundamentals of harnessing your body's potential to achieve a full workout without any equipment. The video introduces a range of exercises, including push-ups, squats, planks, and burpees which are ideal for building strength and increasing endurance right in your living space. These exercises can be easily adjusted to match any fitness level, ensuring that anyone can tailor them to their needs. By the end of the video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to effectively incorporate these efficient movements into your routine, empowering you to stay fit and healthy from the comfort of your home.
Master Bodyweight Exercises at Home #healthylifestyle
? TECHNIQUE OF THE WEEK ? Bodyweight calf raises are great when you have limited equipment. Here are some top tips when incorporating them into your workout: ???? TEMPO - Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of each rep. Attempt to pull your toes upwards in this position. Do not squeeze in the shortened position. ???? INTENSITY - If you're trying to really progress your calves, try taking these to the point where you can't perform even a partial rep. ???? EXERCISE ORDER - Try positioning these at the start of your session so that the temporary increase in ankle dorsiflexion can potentiate improved ankle mobility when squatting, leg pressing etc. For more tips on how to perform this exercise, watch the video below! ? #calfraise #calves #bodyweight #fitness #training
Ankle mobility is key to pain-free squats. Improve it with this exercises and feel the difference in your hips and knees. #anklemobility #painfreesquats #fitness
?? More Details ?? GLUTE BIASED: - forward leaned torso (shoulders over feet) - knee over ankles -- almost vertical shin - drive BACK knee DOWN (and back towards rear foot) QUAD BIASED: - SLIGHTLY closer stance - upright torso - optional - elevate front heel for even more knee flexion! - drive FRONT knee FORWARD -- knee over toes Please note that you can't completely isolate either the glutes or quads with this movement BUT you can make small adjustments to target specific muscles MORE. Let me know what questions you have and what you want to see more of! ?????????? #personaltrainer #personaltraining #bootygainz #bootyworkout #legday #tips #beginner #beginnerworkout #gymshark #gymsharkwomen #vegan #veganpersonaltrainer #veganfitness #fitness #fit #fitwomen #womenwholift #buildyourbody #bodybuilding #splitsquat #squat
Sore hip flexors?! (group of muscles in the front of the upper thigh and hip) Try this stretch either standing or on the floor to help relieve soreness. This stretch is also very beneficial to do before AND after a leg/glute workout What stretch would you like to see on the next #sundaystretch ?? Let me know in the comments! . . . #stretching #fitness #physicaltherapy #soremuscles #hipstretch #hipflexors #hipflexorstretch
Fix your pulldown Build a stronger upper body with this movement, but be sure to be patient and follow a few simple rules: 1. keep good thoracic extension 2. don't go too heavy as to sacrifice scapular elevation 3. pause and squeeze every rep 4. slow on the eccentric to build muscle Need help with programming your workout with #metrics , let me know. #lifting #strongman #workout #fitness #exercisetips #exerciseathome #pulldown #strengthtraining
Another day another upper body circuit ?? ?? Here is a simple setup ? - Push ups - Bar back rows - Ab crunch - Jump pull ups 4 exercises performed in a circuit fashion perform 5-10 repetitions of each exercise before moving to the next one. Rest period 30-60 seconds between exercises? 1-2 min maximum between rounds ? 3-5 rounds total ?? ?? #fitnessjourney #fitness #fitmen #menover30 #fitnesslifestyle #personaltraining #personalgrowth
Muscle recovery with cupping, graston, and deep tissue massage. ???? Cre: alexsiquig ~ #musclerecovery #cupping #graston #sportsmassage #deeptissuemassage #fitness #selfcare #fitfam #trainer #athlete #fitnessgoals #betterbodywork
? TECHNIQUE OF THE WEEK ? A variation to the traditional dumbbell single arm row, there are a number of benefits to the single arm machine row: ???? A great way to emphasise the upper fibres of your lats. ???? Offers a better resistance profile. ???? Offers more external stability. Top tip - Make sure that you control the changes of direction and pause in the stretch position ???? Watch our video below for some top tips on how to perform this exercise ? #machinerow #lats #fitness
2 个月Insightful