?? Budget season is here, and we’ve got you covered! At FPWA, we’re keeping our members and the nonprofit community informed with the launch of #NYCBudgetWatch — your go-to source for the latest City budget facts, figures, and what it means for the human services sector. ?? Get our analysis of the preliminary budget and its impact on New Yorkers. ?? Follow along as we monitor key Budget Hearings. ?? Explore our NYC Funds Tracker, our public advocacy data tool, for your budget testimonies. And stay tuned for key updates to our Tracker coming soon. ??Attend our 3/19 event on the city, state & federal budgets. RSVP at fpwa.org/BeyondNumbers Stay informed and engaged by visiting fpwa.org/nycfundstracker #NYCBudget #HumanServices #Advocacy #CityBudget #BudgetAdvocacy #preliminarybudget #NYCFundsTracker #data