The winter newsletter has arrived! Check it out below and get to know Nebula more who is available for adoption at the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter! #FCCASLove #AdoptLove #CuyahogaDogs
Friends of the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter的动态
The results of this study are both unsurprising and affirming. At a recent national conference, one of the keynote speakers addressed a room full of tenured animal welfare leaders and said "we are spending far too much time justifying our work." It's not just the compassion fatigue and the vicarious trauma. It's the constant defending of every service, every decision, every expense, every interaction. What other field can you think of that requires the professionals in it to have to explain why their work is important, why it costs what it does, how every day-to-day decision is made, why experienced and professional staff are required, why anyone should care about or support it, and what it is exactly that every person being paid to do the work is actually doing? It's demeaning, exhausting, and unnecessary.
Our study (Peter Wolf, Chris Segrin) examining the well-being of animal shelter staff in the United States was recently published in the Journal of Shelter Medicine & Community Animal Health. Animal shelter staff experience burnout and secondary traumatic stress at levels just as high or higher than many other first responder professions and significantly higher than the general US population. Working in an animal shelter isn't just playing with puppies and kittens - sheltering is a complex profession that is equal parts emotional, physical, and mental. Please check out the full article if you're interested in learning more: Adopt. Spay/Neuter. Volunteer. Donate. Advocate for your local animal shelter staff! Best Friends Animal Society
LET'S GIVE THEM FUR-EVER HOME. This Adopt A Cat Month of June, we highlight the advocacy of sharing the warmth of your home with abandoned and stray cats. Animal shelters are filled with cats and kittens waiting for their fur-ever home. If you are passionate about animal welfare and want to find a new source of happiness in your life, now is the time to consider adopting a cat. Full story:
You deserve to know how your local animal shelter is treating cats and kittens. Understanding what shelter programs and policies are in place, or which are not, to protect cats is critical to starting the journey to lifesaving change. Learn how you can obtain animal shelter records:
Safety is no Accident
MBPD and Miami-Dade Animal Services successfully held their 4th Annual Adoption Event! Deputy Chief Paul Acosta even found his “FUREVER” friend. ?? Thank you to all who came out. If you missed it, remember, you can always visit the Miami-Dade Animal Shelter to adopt.
#RescuesHelpingRescues Do you know an organisation or individual in animal rescue who needs support? Animal rescue is tough, emotionally, physically, and financially, and only becoming more so with the world’s increasing challenges. That's why we've started the Rescues Helping Rescues initiative, with a page on our site, and section in the fortnightly e-news, putting the spotlight on these worthy people and the animals they help. To find out more ??
ICYMI. The ARL took in 46 MORE dogs from the SAME commercial breeder we rescued nearly 100 dogs from last fall. As a community, we have to ask more questions. ????Why does this continue to happen? ????Why was this licensed commercial breeder allowed the opportunity to reoffend? ????What changes need to be made from the agencies who oversee licensed breeders on the inspection/licensing process so this doesn’t continue to happen? ????How do we ensure commercial breeders are giving adequate care, physically and mentally, to the animals under their supervision? ????How many more animals have to suffer before changes are made? Now is a great time to sign up to receive Action Alerts from the ARL’s Humane Action Network so you can be alerted to when YOU can take action to help strengthen animal welfare in Iowa. Sign up at, and be sure to like the ARL Humane Action Network Facebook page to stay in the know about animal issues in Iowa and beyond.
Developing science-first best practices aimed at humane care for cats and building peaceful communities should be a top priority. That's why Trap-Neuter-Return (#TNR) has become mainstream! Beyond saving cats’ lives, TNR is sound public policy that reduces calls to animal control, reduces the number of cats entering shelters, and reduces taxpayer expense, all while meeting the demands of the public for effective, meaningful, AND lifesaving action for cats in their communities. Learn more at
Puppy/kitten farms are where pet shops and 3rd party sellers often get their "products". If you buy a puppy/kitten and don't see the mother and how they are kept, you are likely unwittingly contributing to the cruelty. SO-CALLED "GOOD" BREEDERS ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. Healthy dogs/cats who've been abandoned and/or abused and babies from dogs/cats that weren't neutered/spayed by irresponsible guardians, desperate for a home, are KILLED, as shelters are full of unwanted "surplus" animals. Animals are treated like products, commodities that are bred and sold. People go to breeders and pet shops to buy a certain breed they want. If you love animals, help a poor little fur baby who needs a second chance at a happy life and a forever home. Of course you'll love any animal you'll give a home to, it's not their choice to come from a breeder. But we can choose to stop adding to the demand and be a part of the solution instead. When you give a home to a shelter or rescue dog, it will feel a thousand times better to save this fur baby, than going to a breeder. Knowing your new fur baby has been given a second chance and you've given them the happy life they deserve, will make you happier than buying any particular breed. #adoptdontshop It's like a SILENT ATROCITY, that nobody wants to think about.?? Until it's government policy and legislation to ADOPT NOT SHOP and spay and neuter, the animal overpopulation problem and animal cruelty will continue. Too many people still consider this a "CONSUMER CHOICE" issue (where instead of a life, an animal is a PRODUCT, a commodity to be BOUGHT), rather than an ANIMAL CRUELTY issue, where we continue BREEDING domestic animals, knowing healthy, animals are PUT DOWN everyday like they are "waste product" because they are passed over for a shiny "new" animal of a designer breed. ???? There is no justification for this. We cannot BUY, whilst healthy animals DIE! #EndTheDemandEndTheCruelty ?? #adoptdontshop ? #rescueanimals ? #fosteranimals ? #spayandneuter ?? #banpuppymills ?? #bankittenmills ?? #banbreeders ?? #banpetshops ?? For anyone who thinks we don't kill shelter animals in the UK, YES WE DO, this happens everywhere: There is no justification, ZERO, for breeding more domesticated companion animals, whilst healthy animals are killed in shelters. We cannot BUY, whilst healthy animals DIE! End the DEMAND, end the CRUELTY. The only solution is to stem the flow and stop breeding more.
REST PEACEFULLY 40 innocent dogs who just wanted a good home were senselessly killed this week. SAPA are no longer pleading the dogs at San Antonio ACS, please like and help share the dogs on the San Antonio Urgents & Adoptables page run by local networkers. Animal Care Services (ACS) 4710 TX-151 San Antonio, TX 78227 Phone: (210) 207-4738 ACS will only place holds on animals for approved rescues and fosters that have emailed the request to the monitored email: ACS Rescue/Foster: [email protected] (no third parties)