Congratulations to Rapha?le Clément for winning the 2024 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship award. Please click the link below for more information on her new award.
Fast and Cooperative Ion Transport in Polymer-Based Electrolytes (FaCT)的动态
St. Bonaventure University has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for $205,241 that will engage chemistry faculty and students over a three-year period beginning Sept. 1. The project, titled “RUI: Development of pi-Conjugated Carboxylic Acids For Use in Self-Assembling Materials,” is under the direction of Dr. Alexander “A.J.” Rupprecht, assistant professor of Chemistry. “This project will study how unique molecules can spontaneously arrange themselves into single molecule thick layers on surfaces, known as self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). By understanding how these layers form and behave, we can create new materials with improved properties, leading to advancements in future technologies,” Rupprecht said. ??:
I'm teaching a web-based version of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, starting on Wednesday, January 15. It is CHEM 6601 at Seton Hall University. We hope to have more courses available in this format for part-time (and full-time) graduate and undergraduate students. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry will cover the acid-base behavior of metal ions and polyatomic ions, symmetry, inorganic spectroscopy, metal ion substitution mechanisms, electron transfer mechanisms and introduce bioinorganic chemistry. It is a good first course in inorganic chemistry at the advanced undergraduate and first year graduate level.
Looking for fresh ideas for your next chemistry research project? Our latest blog post highlights the top 50 chemistry research topics to help you find inspiration and direction. Dive into cutting-edge research areas and make your mark in the scientific community. Read more: #ChemistryResearch #STEM #ResearchTopics
PhD student in Organic Chemistry in Sustainable Catalysis. Department of Organic Chemistry has an extensive PhD program covering many areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry. Development of new catalytic methods, sustainable chemistry and asymmetric synthesis are central themes in PhD education in organic chemistry.
[Article] The Goal of Doctoral Education in Chemistry: Faculty Perspectives This study explores faculty perspectives on the goals of doctoral education in chemistry, identifying primary objectives such as preparing students to be competitive for future careers and cultivating independent scientists, alongside secondary goals including expertise development and critical thinking. It highlights potential disparities in career preparation and faculty perspectives on program goals, offering insights crucial for enhancing future educational strategies in the field. ?? Benedicta Donkor, Melissa A. Collini & Jordan Harshman ?? Chemical Education Research (2024) ?? #research #doctorate #PhD
16th?National Physical Chemistry Meeting (16ENQF)?and 5th?Computational Chemistry Symposium, 17-19 July 2024, Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University Organized by the Physical Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ). The conference will feature an exciting program, and provide opportunities for networking, learning, and showcasing the latest science from your laboratories. See the excellent plenary and invited lectures are already advertised at the website. We encourage everyone to?register and submit?an oral/poster presentation (until June 7). The participation of students and young researchers is, as usual, strongly encouraged. More information: #chemistry #physicalchemistry
I highly recommend Chapters 1 and 2 of the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry book. For a detailed look, check out the links:? Chapter 1: Chapter 2: #cbse #chemistry #education #science #learning #students #study #physics #neet #biology
This time next year, 6 - 11 Jul 2025, I will be chairing the GRC "Chemistry Education Research and Practice" conference. What is "The GRC" and why is it so special? Some information if you have never attended and might like to: 1. The GRC organises hundreds of conferences annually in a whole variety of scientific disciplines. So whatever the specialism is (Artificial Molecular Switches --> X-ray science), the GRC is the meeting that brings together the leading experts in the discipline. 2. The key aspects of a GRC meeting is (1) it is "off the record" closed meeting, allowing for sharing work not yet published, and (2) it is discussion-focussed, with ~1/3 of time on structured discussion. This format has made it THE most valuable meeting in my career. 3. Within this umbrella, there is GRC - CERP. It is focussed on research and practice of chemistry education - a broad topic, but one that encompasses well the two aspects of thinking about researching chemistry education, thinking about implications, and doing both together. 4. Each GRC has a theme, 2025's is "Exploring Interactions in the Chemistry Curriculum in Physical and Digital Spaces". I want to do a deep dive into the kinds of things that go on in teaching spaces from student perspective. Meeting overview is live at: 5. There are nine sessions over the week, with each session having a sub-theme. My task at the moment is mapping these out and inviting speakers, but can share there will be major sessions on methodologies, accessibility, AI, and climate educ, all as they relate to chem ed... 6. But the major component of a good GRC is participants and the dialogue. So there are poster sessions most days which are *very* active. Almost all participants present a poster at some stage of the week. These are amazing sessions! 7. There is also lots of downtime to allow for networking, switching off, going on tours... and recharging. The entire meeting is held at the very pretty Bates College, Maine. Best accessed via Boston Logan Airport with GRC Shuttle to site. 8. I'm planning a few new things for the next GRC to freshen it up a little. These include keynotes with structured discussion, opportunities for small groups to have follow up discussions with speakers, and an entire session showcasing some exciting newer scholars. 9. I'm really excited about it and about adding a more significant international dimension to the meeting. I'll be sharing some information and perhaps run some Q+As for those interested in attending later this summer. 10. Note also that GRC is immediately preceded by a GRS (Gordon Research Seminar) meeting - this is seperate but runs back to back. It is especially focussed on grad students/early career. It ran for first time in 2023 and was amazing. Info on 2025:
I am thrilled to share that I am currently pursuing My Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Colombo. This Program is Providing me with in-depth Knowledge and hands-on experience in various aspects of Analytical Chemistry. I am looking forward to diving into advanced research and expanding my expertise in this fascinating field. #MSc #Analyticalchemistry #UniversityOfColombo #Education #Research #Chemistry