80 years ago today Auschwitz was liberated "Arbeit macht frei" - work makes one free, was a cynical welcome at Auschwitz I. SS guards often told prisoners of Auschwitz that the only way out from the camp was through the chimney of the crematorium. #HolocaustRemembranceDay Learn about the sign: buff.ly/4gNusbg (Photo: buff.ly/4geYVP3)
ERO Health Communications的动态
President Kennedy's speech at the Berlin Wall has left a strong impression on me. His continuous calls to "let them come to Berlin," along with his iconic phrase "Ich bin ein Berliner," were forceful expressions of unity and opposition to communist control. This was Kennedy at his rhetorical best, weaving together high ideals and cold, hard geopolitical realities in a way that captivated the massive audience. ? Three aspects of JFK's speech stood out to me as elements I wish to implement in my professional approach: 1. Subject Matter Expertise; 2. Adaptability; and 3. Authenticity.? ? Subject Matter Expertise: Kennedy showed deep understanding of the policy matters and global affairs he discussed. This knowledge gave him authority and trustworthiness. I have to consider how well-informed I am about the topics in my meetings, our machinery, operations, and other aspects of the company; and whether I come prepared to actively seek productive solutions.? ? Adaptability: JFK had the ability to adjust his delivery and message for various audiences and situations. This adaptability helped optimize his influence. I need to question if I possess strong situational awareness and if I'm engaging different perspectives to enhance my decision-making.?Am I able to change on-the-fly and maintain my composure? ? ? Authenticity: Beyond his rhetorical skills was a tangible honesty and enthusiasm. People could sense he truly stood behind his words. Self-awareness is key to authenticity. Understanding one’s values, strengths, weaknesses, and biases enhances genuine leadership. Building strong connections with my team and stakeholders is more than functional—it requires earnest attempts to grasp their viewpoints, worries, and goals.? ? Reflecting on President Kennedy's Berlin address reminds me of the significant role that expertise, flexibility, and genuineness play in leadership and communication. His skill in combining high aspirations with practical considerations and establishing a connection with his audience is an exemplary model for true leadership. By deepening our expertise, adapting to change effectively, and being sincere in our interactions, we can hope to motivate and lead decisively and successfully.
On June 26 ,1963, JFK delivered his now-famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech to a crowd of more than 100,000 people at the Rudolph Wilde Platz in West Berlin. He saw West Berlin - controlled by western allies and surrounded by Soviet-controlled Eastern Germany - as an important symbol of freedom in the Cold War, and he encouraged West Berliners to remain hopeful despite the imposing presence of the Berlin Wall. He ended his speech with the words: “All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words 'Ich bin ein Berliner.’" ?? : USG-2B-1. Remarks at the Rudolph Wilde Platz. Berlin, Germany. June 26, 1963. Produced by?Sgt. Bill Bailey, Special Events Department of AFTV (Air Force Television). Edited by?Sgt. James Connelly. Narrated by A1C Al Baker. JFK Presidential Library, Boston. Watch the full speech: https://lnkd.in/ewCa39cj #IchBinEinBerliner #ColdWar #JohnFKennedy #Leadership
#Haltung: [?halt??] encompasses attitude, stance, and moral posture. Signifies a person's fundamental values and the courage to stand by them, especially in challenging times. Today, on July 20, 2024, we commemorate the 80th anniversary of a profound demonstration of "Haltung" - the 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Led by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, a group of brave individuals showed remarkable #moral courage in their attempt to overthrow the Nazi regime and end World War II. Although unsuccessful, this act of resistance remains a powerful symbol of #integrity in the face of tyranny. The conspirators, ranging from military officers to civilians, risked everything to oppose the atrocities committed by the Nazis. As we reflect on their sacrifice, we are reminded of the enduring importance of moral conviction and the #courage to act on one's beliefs, even against overwhelming odds. Their legacy challenges us to maintain our own "Haltung" in confronting injustice and defending human rights in our modern world. As #Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz said today: "It's still up to me. No life-threatening heroic deeds are required. But our democracy depends on our tireless commitment, on the commitment of each and every individual. #Democracy #thrives on the #commitment of #active #citizens." Let’s remain vigilant against authoritarianism fostering a society that values moral courage and ethical leadership.
Hannes: Thanks for this. I can agree with Prof Snyder that Ukraine is giving the West a chance to avoid WWIII (but at a horrendous price in lost lives/destruction). Questions for Prof Snyder: “Is your reasoning that Ukraine is giving “us” a chance not the same as accepting that Ukraine is already a de facto member of NATO?” Giving/providing military aid prolongs the chance for the West to avoid WWIII. Drip-feeding such aid and the stupid idea of caveats on such aid is cynical and morally wrong. “Could Prof Snyder comment on the idea of NATO accepting that, in the current situation, Ukraine be accepted as an Associate Member of NATO?” #slavaukraini
"This is 1938 now, but Czechoslovakia has chosen to fight. If Czechs had resisted Nazi Germany at that time, there would have been no WWII. If Ukraine gives up or we give up ???? we will move to 1939." Timothy Snyder in Tallinn ???? yesterday. From https://lnkd.in/d4bUuxXU
Life Under WH0's C°vid vs Very Important Note: History is always written by the winners and never by the loosers and the line between History and Story can be very thin and sometimes even get crossed. There is no light without shadow and there is no shadow without light. Every human being, including Adolf Hitler, has/had good and bad caracteristics It's important to remember that Adolf Hitler was a Christian and did not hate the jews in general (the City of Haifa in Israel had very close ties to Nazi Germany cause there were many thousands of German jews migrating to Haifa) but only the communist jews. That is a hugh hugh difference. Nowadays my govt continues to promote & recommend toxic CoV-Vaxcs to the elderly, the chronically sick and disabled people to get rid of them asap, because they do not bring any (financial) benefit for the rest of the society and are just "useless eaters" and a burden for the working population. What is the difference ?
Life Under Adolf Hitler: The First Years Of Nazi Germany
Imagine, for a moment, if the world had demanded that the United States enter into a ceasefire with the Nazis that would leave Hitler and the Nazis in power, under the premise that it is imperative to ease the suffering of the German people, that killing Germans only makes more Nazis, and that Nazism is an idea that could not be defeated or dismantled militarily only through negotiation and reconstruction of Germany. Insane, right? Welcome to 2024.
From one of our leading experts on disinformation, the incredible true story of the complex and largely forgotten WWII propagandist Sefton Delmer - and what we can learn from him today. Read more here: https://ow.ly/yjPK50RBtQ0
Today we honor those who served honorably in the United States military during wartime and peacetime. To our veterans, we say, “Thank you” for your willingness to defend the principles of our Constitution and Republic from those who would deny the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator expressed in the Declaration of Independence and those expressed in the Bill of Rights. Veterans Day is observed on November 11 of each year. It was originally called Armistice Day because of the ceasing of hostilities between Germany and the Allies at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, effectively ending the “war to end all wars.” Armistice Day was codified by Congress on May 13, 1938, making November 11 a legal holiday, primarily to honor veterans of World War I. On June 1, 1954, in light of World War II and the Korean Conflict, Congress replaced the word “Armistice” with the word “Veterans.” In 1968, Congress lumped Veterans Day into the Uniform Holiday Bill that intended for federal holidays to be observed on Monday so that workers had a 3 day weekend: Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. The first 3 day weekend Veterans Day was observed in 1971 to much confusion. On September 20, 1975, President Ford signed into law the legislation returning the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 regardless of the day of the week, beginning in 1978. It has been observed that way ever since. Family Legacy? Estate & Business Planning Edward S. Clay, P.A. Law Offices Lutherville, MD 21093 ?? https://estateplan.org/ ?? [email protected] ?? 410-296-3358
Today we honor those who served honorably in the United States military during wartime and peacetime. To our veterans, we say, “Thank you” for your willingness to defend the principles of our Constitution and Republic from those who would deny the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator expressed in the Declaration of Independence and those expressed in the Bill of Rights. Veterans Day is observed on November 11 of each year. It was originally called Armistice Day because of the ceasing of hostilities between Germany and the Allies at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, effectively ending the “war to end all wars.” Armistice Day was codified by Congress on May 13, 1938, making November 11 a legal holiday, primarily to honor veterans of World War I. On June 1, 1954, in light of World War II and the Korean Conflict, Congress replaced the word “Armistice” with the word “Veterans.” In 1968, Congress lumped Veterans Day into the Uniform Holiday Bill that intended for federal holidays to be observed on Monday so that workers had a 3 day weekend: Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. The first 3 day weekend Veterans Day was observed in 1971 to much confusion. On September 20, 1975, President Ford signed into law the legislation returning the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 regardless of the day of the week, beginning in 1978. It has been observed that way ever since. Family Legacy? Estate & Business Planning Edward S. Clay, P.A. Law Offices Lutherville, MD 21093 ?? https://estateplan.org/ ?? [email protected] ?? 410-296-3358