Next Tuesday, 11/12, Empire State Realty Trust is helping us celebrate ENERGY STAR certified buildings and plants. Has your building earned the ENERGY STAR? Then it’s going blue for you! Join the celebration by posting a pic of your #ENERGYSTAR decal and checking out their livecam at
This is exactly why I founded the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance. To bring together amazing people and knowledge.? So great roofing companies make an even bigger impact… together. If you want to develop great people and a great company... If you want to be part of a value-aligned community who is working together to make a bigger impact... Then I invite you to become one of us. Stop going at it alone.? Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.? “Success leaves clues,” as Dr. Benjamin Hardy says.? When we all share our “clues”, we become even more successful. Together, we can truly transform the industry. Learn more about the Roofing & Solar Reform Alliance: Text 'DEMO' to 303-222-7133 #roofstrategist #roofingsales #d2d
Newsflash!? Grid reform is coming. From Q2 next year, the National Energy System Operator Grid Connections Reform rips up the rulebook to make grid connections easier. It’s a gamechanger for large solar power projects and one to watch for all developers in #realestate. If you’re in #retail or #logistics, you need to read this article by our very own Sophie Hall-Smith, published in Property Week on Friday. It will tell you what to watch for and how to navigate the new 2-gate process. See the Link to read the full article: #Propertyweek #Gridreform #renewableenergy
??Check out my article in Property Week on #GridConnectionReform and its impact on behind the meter generation and demand projects?? One key takeaway for larger embedded generation projects (1MW+): keep an eye on changes to the transmission network review thresholds, which could increase to 5MW or even 10MW. Projects above this threshold will face a two-gate connection process and will only progress if they’re classified as ‘needed’ under the Clean Power 2030 plan for your region. This reform could accelerate progress but adds complexity for some. If you’re navigating the connection process, preparation is critical to staying ahead. See the article below for more insights ????
Newsflash!? Grid reform is coming. From Q2 next year, the National Energy System Operator Grid Connections Reform rips up the rulebook to make grid connections easier. It’s a gamechanger for large solar power projects and one to watch for all developers in #realestate. If you’re in #retail or #logistics, you need to read this article by our very own Sophie Hall-Smith, published in Property Week on Friday. It will tell you what to watch for and how to navigate the new 2-gate process. See the Link to read the full article: #Propertyweek #Gridreform #renewableenergy
Incentives and rebates in the #InflationReductionAct can make #energyefficiency and #resilience achievable for homeowners, with as much as $30,000 in incentives available for upgrades to insulation and air sealing, adding a heat pump, and solar installations. In our latest blog post, we talk with Lunar Energy Founder Jamie Skaar about why there's growing homeowner interest in resilience and how the #IRA can make that affordable.
Whichever party is elected this Thursday, we hope to see recognition of the role decentralised energy plays in both enabling decarbonisation of heat for buildings and in enhancing energy security.?? We would like to see the rapid adoption of heat network zoning and the establishment of a favourable investment environment for the development of new heat networks. ? #Durotan #generalelection #districtheating #districtenergy #decarbonisation #netzero #renewableenergy #futureenergy #heatnetwork #heatnetworkzoning
Energy rates in Las Vegas have gone up 71% in the last two years. 71%!! It's time to make a change. If you know someone out here in the desert that needs my help, drop me a line. Some of the fastest installs in the whole country, and you'll start building credits into next Spring and Summer. Don't wait. [email protected] #solarsavings #solarvoce #solarstorage #energyindependence
Food for thought: When it comes to commercial property, how is roof space any different from floor space? Every square foot is precious. Make use of it all. #Minnesota #commercial #realestate #solar #solarpower #cleanenergy #business
Here are 5 reasons for choosing Avalon as your home's energy solution. Curious about the Avalon? Visit our website to learn more: #SmartHomeEnergy #FortressPower #DoMoreWithLess #TheAvalonAnswer
Low-carbon city heat network developer, 1Energy Group has secured £75m of investment and three anchor customers for its heat pump-powered network in #Bradford.