Why does how you feel matter?
It definitely is strange.. Even baffling, how we are always focused on getting somewhere..
And after we do reach.. We don't 'feel' right for too long and start off to another point of achievement to probably feel "right"!
Isn't it?
What most of us fail to understand, most of the times is that -
“our Emotions” - make or break - who we are!
Yet we are busy Mastering Professional Success Or a Job Skill or Wealth Creation Or Business Or Sports Or Fame..
Do you see it?
that we tend to try and master everything..
almost everything - apart from - "Mastering Our Own Emotions"
Time to live beautifully..
live in a state of 'happiness' NOT emptiness!
Take charge.. Know thy self..
Know thy purpose.. Know thy life and beyond..
Don't procrastinate. Do it right away. Take charge.
Be more aware of yourself!
Love & Light to you always