You asked- eCLOSE Institute answered! FULL DAY science summer camps are available! Sign up before the limited slots are filled! WHAT: Students entering grades 6-12 and undergraduates will learn professional laboratory skills while conducting their own research project, focused on addressing a health challenge of someone they love. Topics covered include diet and health, genetics, developmental biology, biochemistry, and behavior. Students can focus on many health challenges, including sports nutrition, cancer, diabetes, mental health, and more. WHEN: Session I: June 23-27, 2025 9AM-4PM Session II: August 4-8, 2025, 9AM-4PM WHO: Rising 6th-12th graders and #Undergraduates interested in getting a start in #research REGISTER: #summercamp #STEM #science #premed #collegeprep #sciencefun #nutrition #diet #health #publichealth #cancer #diabetes #mentalhealth #sports #lab #labskills #biology #genetics #developmentalbiology #behavior #socialbehavioral #career #workforcedevelopment #careerready CONTACT: [email protected] **Scholarships are available for students in the The School District of Philadelphia. Contact us [email protected] for a registration code.