September 30 marked the end of the FAA’s fiscal year and with it, the annual conclusion of the annual 12-month tracking of fatal accidents among experimental category aircraft. The preliminary numbers from the agency appear to present an excellent snapshot of safety over the past year. Read:
?? Did you Know Wednesday: FAA Requires Forever Maintenance Record Keeping for Major Repairs! ??? FAA mandates indefinite major repair records. Vision Aircraft Records' S.M.A.R.T. system simplifies this task. #AircraftRecords #AircraftLogbooks
Pilots: DYK that the FAA’s Compliance Program offers a chance to correct errors through an educational course rather than enforcement? The course covers human factors, technology, and more to enhance safety awareness and prevent pilot deviations. See how addressing the root cause leads to a safer aviation system at
OTD in 2018: Does FAA's failure to require Independent Inspections on light aircraft sends a cultural signal that means avoidable maintenance HF accidents persist?? #flightsafety #aviationsafety #aviationmaintenance #humanfactors #accident
More bad news for Boeing: US FAA adopts airworthiness (definition: Safe to fly ? ) directive for 13 Boeing 757-200 US planes (By Reuters) June 26 (Reuters) - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it is adopting a new airworthiness directive for 13 Boeing 757-200 airplanes of U.S. registry over reports of cracking in the structure in and around the lavatory service panel. Airworthiness directives are legally enforceable regulations issued by the FAA to correct an unsafe condition in a product. The FAA said stress concentrations in the lavatory service panel access pan, the fuselage skin, and the stringer 22 attachment to the service panel are too high, causing fatigue cracking. That, in turn, could result in an in-flight depressurization and reduced structural integrity of the aircraft if not addressed, the FAA said. It said the directive impacts 757-200 planes modified by particular supplemental type certificates. Human life should ALWAYS be first, before profit Power is a duty... and that is why there are regulations
I did not see anything in the AIM that states how close/far to/from the RWY Hold Short Line an aircraft has to be when stopped on a TWY. From the diagram, it appears that if the pilot of the CRJ9 had positioned the nose of the aircraft closer to the RWYHSLN, this might have been prevented. OR even better if ATCT had told the A350 pilot to hold short of TWYs E1 and F2, they would never had been put into that position of conflict. Does the FAA need to update AC 150/5300-13B/Airport Design? Does ATL need to put in restrictions in some places? Anxiously waiting on the full report. Opinions?
Question-Where was the Operations Supervisor while this controller actively violated the required IFR-to-VFR separation standards required in Class C Airspace? FAA Order 7110.65-Section 8 Class C Service Terminal 7-8-3. Separation Requirements states that ATC must “Separate VFR aircraft from IFR aircraft by one of the following (a) Visual separation or (b) 500 feet vertical separation! Furthermore, no PIREP information disseminated! The Austin approach controller issues the American pilot descent clearance to 2000-feet, issues a right turn of 260 degrees, then ask the American pilot does he still have the “high wing VFR aircraft in sight! The pilot says “Negative.” So, no opportunity to apply “visual separation,” then the controller, without required 500-feet vertical separation, issues a heading of 330, and when pilot reports airport in sight, clears American for a visual approach! The VFR pilot was not on frequency and receiving ATC services so the controller’s expectation that the VFR pilot would continue westbound was, as shown, misguided and inexcusable! Turning the American pilot towards the VFR aircraft without the ability to apply visual separation and without required 500-feet vertical separation is the primary cause of the TCAS RA and subsequent operational errors!
EXTREME NEAR MID-AIR COLLISION between Airliners and Cessna Plane at Austin!
- According to the preliminary report of events in the cockpit, especially at the situational awareness level among the crew, it appears evident/obvious that both crew exhibited: "...a low sense of urgency about the increasing severity of the icing conditions that the aircraft's APM, audible chimes for associated Indications and icing indicators were displaying to the crew." To make matters worse, the crew were not oblivious to the visible weather conditions outside the cockpit windows. I didn't feel that the crew showed how worried they were of the icing conditions and warnings they were encountering, up to the time of departure-from-controlled-flight. This is my preliminary understanding based only on this preliminary report. My understanding may/can be changed if the preliminary report changes accordingly based on any supplemental information that emerges from the ongoing investigation.
Attention A&P mechanics, pilots and aircraft owners! ?? Don't miss out on key information about the FAA's New Advisory Circular 3-1. It's crucial to stay informed about the changes and how they affect you. Learn what you need to know to stay up-to-date with requirements and ensure compliance with regulations. Check out all the information here and make sure you're prepared! ????
NTSB Releases Report On Recent Delta Aircraft Collision At Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport The report states that during the collision,?“the CRJ sustained lateral accelerations of 0.5 G left followed by 0.55 G right, and the CRJ’s heading was rotated about 9° clockwise.” A final report is awaited for this, which will give a conclusive decision about how this incident happened and steps to prevent something like this from happening again. Read more at: #AviationTalk #aviationnews #avgeek #aviation
We agree with the NTSB's Dr. William Bramble that "see-and-avoid is not a reliable strategy for eliminating midair collisions.” This is a guiding inspiration for our developing PilotEye, a visual traffic detection system that works in conjunction with ADS-B to identify cooperative and noncooperative traffic including paragliders, ultralights, drones, and birds. It can scan the sky to determine aircraft type, distance, and time to impact, relieving pilot workload and increasing safety. It's in the certification process at the FAA with concurrent validation by EASA. We are hopeful it will contribute to a future without midair collisions. #aerospace? #cockpit? #aviationsafety #NTSB
I’m sure the distance between the two aircraft shown at 0:03 (remaining) in this video was greater than it appears, but this is the kind of congestion that occurs in high density tour areas, and the reason NTSB has recommended FAA require air tour operators in such areas be equipped with ADS-B IN and OUT-supported traffic advisory systems that include visual and aural alerts. To make others visible, NTSB recommended FAA require all non-tour aircraft in such areas be equipped with ADS-B out. In my opinion, this should apply to ultralight aircraft also, because they can be hard to see and they are capable of taking down larger aircraft in a collision: ( The NTSB would ultimately like to see traffic advisory systems in all aircraft operating under Part 135, because see-and-avoid is not a reliable strategy for eliminating midair collisions. For more info see recommendations A-21-15 through -17 in this report: