Thank you Andrew Cripps from MUSC for helping us recognize the signs of Senior Abuse. If you know of anyone in this situation please contact [email protected]
Dorchester Seniors, Inc.的动态
#DidYouKnow that in #Tennessee, every individual aged 18 and above is legally obligated to report any suspicion or evidence of child abuse or neglect? As mandated reporters, it is our duty to take immediate action. To make a report, you can call the Tennessee Child Abuse Hotline anonymously at 877-237-0004 or visit Let's protect our children together. #NCAPM2020 #ChildAbusePreventionMonth
The Hidden Impact of Abuse on Youth Today The video discusses the serious impact of abuse on youth and its long-term consequences.
Trust your gut and speak out against abuse this #SafeguardingAdultsWeek Abuse can happen anywhere, to anyone. It can be physical, emotional, sexual, financial or neglect – but all of it is wrong. This week is Safeguarding Adults Week. If you have any concerns about a child, young person or vulnerable adult, please report it. Trusting your gut and speaking out can help stop abuse in our communities. Learn about the signs of abuse, and how to report your concerns to your local safeguarding team on our website: See it. Suspect it. Report it.
Child abuse has been reported, so what happens next? Check out our latest blog to get an in-depth look at the process. We dive into what you should do next if there's a report of abuse against you. #yourlegalally #abusecharges #serioustriallawyers
Child abuse has been reported, so what happens next? Check out our latest blog to get an in-depth look at the process. We dive into what you should do next if there's a report of abuse against you. #yourlegalally #abusecharges #serioustriallawyers
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and would like to offer this article from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention on information and resources related to National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Here is the link to the article: If you or a loved one are in need of counseling or therapy, or any other resources related to this topic, please visit our website at to find the help you need!
Child abuse thrives when good people decide it’s none of their business. Everyone has a role. Learn to recognize signs of child abuse and report it. Don't wait for someone else to act. If you suspect abuse, don’t for a second think this is none of your business. Take action. #itsyourbusiness
#ItsYourBusiness to Report Suspected Child Abuse
?? Recognizing signs of child abuse is something we can all do to help keep kids safe. Signs that child abuse may be occurring are: ?? Sudden changes in behaviour ?? Drastic changes in appearance or hygiene ?? Sexual knowledge/behaviour beyond their age level ?? Drastic change in school performance or attendance ?? Not wanting to go to a specific place or see a specific person ?? Always hungry, sick, or not dressed appropriately for the weather ?? Distressed around, or excessively seeking out a specific adult ?? Extreme behavioural reactions such as aggression, acting out, withdrawal, or depression ?? Unexplained physical symptoms or injuries ?? If you suspect a child may be experiencing abuse, you must make a report. Reports can me made to your local law enforcement, or the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437. #CSACLeth #CCYACLeth #EndChildAbuse #KeepKidsSafe
Substance abuse prevention can be especially important when working with youth, like judges, court staff, and constables often do. Here is a tool-kit that might be helpful:
I dislike the use of this word as people often use it as a stabby weapon towards people they simply don’t like… which clearly does not tick the criteria in the DSM-V required to professionally diagnose such a personality disorder. However, this statement is true. ??To listeners: be careful when absorbing gossip. Ask what the purpose is behind said gossip landing on your plate. It is almost ALWAYS their “truth” and blunt knives hold no power when presented to objectively intelligent individuals. ?This tactic is common in abusive relationships. I’m sure family lawyers are well attuned to how this tactic can be used in disputes as an abusive take-down strategy. It’s vital to recognise when you’re in one and how to utilise support when needed. Abuse is abuse, question everything.
Consultant in Workplace Wellness, Inspiration & Neurodiversity (WIN). Neuroscience for wellness, healing trauma, curing a sick ecosystem, improve creativity & self-motivation. Thrive to Survive! Twitter: @steph_sagar
?? Important to be aware of this— abuse is often covert: