Dodonai adds AI Medical Records Summaries Medical records are key evidence in many types of litigation. Medical records summaries & chronologies can turn long, difficult documentation into an easy to digest picture of the patient's current health and medical history. But summaries take time and are prone to human error. With Dodonai, users can create medical records summaries and medical chronologies in minutes. Deposition summaries, medical records summaries, e-discovery, and more on the same platform for the same price. #dodonai #Legal #Lawfirm #Attorneys #Paralegal #LegalInnovation #Litigationsupport #Legalsoftware
When it comes to complex cases, having a clear, factual timeline of medical events can make all the difference. Elite Deposition Technologies' AI-powered Medical Chronologies provide just that, helping legal teams streamline case preparation and ensure nothing gets overlooked. From #personalinjury cases, where treatment gaps are critical, to #productliability claims assessing if a product impacted a medical condition, Medical Chronologies organize vital medical information in a precise, chronological order. Each chronology includes key dates, events, and Bates numbers so your team can quickly identify crucial details that strengthen your case. Whether you’re working on #wrongfuldeathcases, #insurancedisputes, or #disability claims, Medical Chronologies from Elite offer a powerful, efficient way to understand each patient’s medical history. Ready to learn how Medical Chronologies can benefit your team? Reach out to us today! #MedicalChronologies #LegalTech #LitigationSupport #EfficiencyInLaw #Deposition #Transcripts #EliteDiscovery #EliteDepositions
Have you encountered situations where you opened up a file of medical records and realize that key pieces were missing? Read more ?? #LegalNurseConsultant #ExpertWitness #ImportantThing
Missing Medical Records - Barbara Levin and Pat Iyer
When discussing the pricing for JudyAI medical records indexing and summaries I often hear "Fantastic. Best answer I could hope for. Just what I wanted to know." What we have found is that most firms are using outside vendors or in house nurse paralegals to do their reviews and summaries. For these they are paying between 30 and 60 cents per page for vendors and more fro in house. It is also taking days or weeks to get the results back regardless of how they are doing it. With JudyAI they get a full chronology with a hyperlinked index and summary of all medical encounters at 15 cents per page and it will do about 500 pages in 30 minutes. The best part, no subscription needed. Use it as needed and when needed and only pay for the per page usage. Simply go to and hit the self service option. Drop your records on the drop pad to upload them and you get to see a thumbnail of the PDF before you pay. Feedback welcome. #ai #medicalrecords #indexing #summaries #personalinjury #masstort #productliability
Lexitas is changing the game when it comes to medical chronologies and summaries. Record Insights? is an AI-driven chronological summary of medical records unmatched by anything else in the industry. Try your first case free now at #recordinsights #ailegal #legaltech #techsolutions #medicalrecords #summaries #lexitas
?? Test your knowledge with "Quiz Quest: Dive into the Medical Mysteries" to start your week with an easy quiz. Ready for a challenge? What does ___ stand for in the medical field? ?? ? Please share a case example where your patient's/client's LOC/GCS were abnormal. #medicalterminology #triallawyer #personalinjury #legalnurseconsultant #telemetrynurse #medicalsurgicalnurse
?????????????? ???? ?????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? A mass tort case involves a large number of plaintiffs, complex medical records, and specific terminologies and is extremely time-consuming. But, the success of the mass tort cases also depends on the degree of medical evidence obtained. ????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ??????????????? ??????. ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????????. A few benefits of partnering with medical review experts would be: ? Gathering, organizing, and reviewing medical records will be done efficiently? ? Using AI tools, and advanced data analytics will lead to results with reduced errors ? Is cost-effective as there are no head costs involved ? Trained and experienced professionals ensure accurate analysis Partnering with an expert is necessary because they have the expertise and resources to give you a detailed review. However, there are few considerations you must keep in mind before partnering with a medical record reviewer. To know more about these key considerations, check out the infographic given below and follow? Inscribe for more insights on medical records. #inscribe #MedicalRecordReview #MassTortCases #Attorneys #MedicalRecords
Detailed Guide to Medical Dictation commands in RexEMR - RexScribe
A Guide to Medical Dictation with RexScribe. RexScribe medical dictation commands let you edit, format, and navigate notes with voice. Easily dictate, delete, insert, and format text hands-free.
A Guide to Medical Dictation with RexScribe. RexScribe medical dictation commands let you edit, format, and navigate notes with voice. Easily dictate, delete, insert, and format text hands-free.
Best Document Review Strategy for Case Success Master the art of efficient document review! This video reveals expert strategies for prioritizing documents, focusing on key surgical details, and identifying crucial discrepancies in medical cases. Learn to optimize your review process and improve case analysis. #DocumentReview #LegalTech #MedicalMalpractice #eDiscovery #LegalProfessionals #CaseAnalysis #SurgicalCases #ProcedureReview #EfficiencyTips #TimeManagement #DocumentReview #LegalTech #MedicalMalpractice #eDiscovery #LegalProfessionals #CaseAnalysis #SurgicalCases #ProcedureReview #EfficiencyTips #TimeManagement