Statement On The Status Of The New York City Democratic Mayoral Primary For Immediate Release 02-02-2025 Washington, D.C - The Democratic Municipal Campaign Committee believes in embodying the principles of the party we endeavor to support. These principles include; respect for the rule of law, adherence to quality ethics, zero tolerance for sexual harassment and assault, and holding elected officials at every level accountable. As such, it is our position that, in consideration of the central front-runners in contention for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of the City of New York, neither incumbent Mayor Eric Adams, nor former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo can, or will, receive endorsement or support from the Committee or its affiliates. We understand that this decision may prove controversial to the candidates' supporters and to parts of the public at large, however, it is our belief that the decision remains necessary in order to remain truthful in our commitments and positions, not only to our contributors, but to staff and the American people as well. #dmcc #updates