This March, Disability Lead continues to raise awareness and honor the diversity of disabilities within the disability community.?Together, we are working towards a more inclusive future that embraces diversity, equity, accessibility, and the collective power of our community. #DisabilityAwareness #WeAreDisLead #Community #Inclusion #AwarenessDay #Disability?#Accessibility Image Description: All slides have a peach background with the Disability logo with the text, “Power. Influence. Change.” beneath it at the top with center alignment. ? ? Image 1 reads, "Disability Awareness Month and Days March Twenty Twenty-Five." The bottom portion of the graphic features people of various races and disabilities. ? ? (All of the following graphics list disability awareness days and months in between partial graphics of a wall calendar coming from the top right and bottom left corners.)? ? Image 2 lists “Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, Color Therapy Month, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Prevention Awareness Month, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, Endometriosis Awareness Month.”? ? Image 3 lists “Essential Tremor Month, Kidney Month, Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, Endometriosis Awareness Month.”? ? Image 4 lists “Self-Injury Awareness Month, Brain Injury Awareness Month, National Trisomy Awareness Month, World Glaucoma Week, 2nd full week of March.”? ? Image 5 lists “Disability Community Day of Mourning - March 1, International Wheelchair Day - March 1, World Teen Mental Health Day - March 2, World Hearing Day - March 3.”? ? Image 6 lists “Breast Implant Illness Awareness Day - March 8, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - March 10, World Kidney Day - Every 2nd Thursday of March.”? ? Image 7 lists “National Trisomy 18 Awareness Day - March 18, World Down Syndrome Day - March 21, World Tuberculosis Day - March 24.”? ? Image 8 lists “U.S. National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day - March 25, Purple Day for Epilepsy - March 26, Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE) Awareness Day - March 27th.”?