Green is the color of growth, harmony, and nature.
Designer Hikes的动态
Our Sacred Mission: Learning to Dance with Mother Earth The message of this book Driven by the hunger for power and wealth and enabled by the new technology, the human community is evermore separating itself from the world in which it has come to be. We are losing the race with the processes that we have inadvertently launched; the world around us and our own being in the world are becoming more and more unsustainable. If we continue on this path we risk growing crises and a major breakdown. We need to change.?This does not merely call for creating and obeying a few ecological commands, important as they are: it calls for new aspirations and a new pattern of behavior in the human community as a whole.?The Call is for an essentially changed human presence on the planet.To use the metaphor featured in this book, we need to learn to dance not just on the planet, but?with the planet. The human being we need is already emerging among the people of the young generations. We need to embrace, intensify and accelerate its emergence. The book in front of the reader is dedicated to achieving this truly sacred mission. It offers the sense of being an integral and conscious part of the evolution that unfolds in nature and universe, and would also unfold on this planet if our shortsighted aspirations do not block it. As conscious members of the human community, we need to wake up to our powers as well as responsibilities. The reader will encounter all that he or she needs to advance this cause in the context of a co-evolving, participatory world. Undertaking this challenge is the sacred mission to which this book is dedicated. The vision of a better world beckons, and we can and surely will realize it. But if we are to do so in our lifetime, we need more wisdom and greater perseverance . These essential attributes are cited on the pages that follow.?These pages are contributed by a small group of eminent thought-leaders, and are addressed, as the Call proclaimed here states, to all who are open to comprehending and adopting our sacred mission. The imperative of our day is to awaken to the awesome privilege as well as unique responsibility of having been born a human being on planet Earth.
We need to take heed! Planet Earth is in Trouble! We need to change NOW! David Attenborough just turned 98. Here is a statement by him and a link to a trailer a documentary about life on earth: “I am David Attenborough, and I am 93. I’ve had the most extraordinary life. It’s only now that I appreciate how extraordinary. the way we humans live on Earth now is sending biodiversity into a decline. This too is happening as a result of bad planning and human error and it too will lead to what we see here. A place in which we cannot live. The natural world is fading. The evidence is all around. It’s happened in my lifetime. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. This film is my witness statement and my vision for the future, the story of how we came to make this our greatest mistake, and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We must radically reduce the way we farm. We must change our diet. The planet can't support billions of meat eaters. If we had a mostly plant-based diet we could increase the yield of the land. We have an urgent need for free land. Forests are fundamental to recovery - bio-centres of diversity. With all these things, there is one overriding principle. Nature is our biggest ally and our greatest inspiration. We need to learn how to work with nature, rather than against it. We need to rewild the world together!” David Attenborough
David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet | Trailer
The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, Chapter 2: The Surrender of the Gods (part 2) Slowing growth and limiting development isn’t living in harmony with nature—it is surrendering in a battle with nature. To truly live in harmony with nature, *we must master it.*
Part of learning is exposing yourself to ideas and worldviews that are markedly different from your own. The ideas in this Maniefsto make me feel uncomfortable because of how I see and think about the world. But hearing and seeking a deep understanding of different perspectives, not to refute, criticise or debate them, but to truly see things through different eyes and to synthesise that understanding into a more panoramic understanding, seems to me to be the crux of systems thinking. Lifelong learning is a constantly jarring experience, as it should be.
The Techno-Humanist Manifesto, Chapter 2: The Surrender of the Gods (part 2) Slowing growth and limiting development isn’t living in harmony with nature—it is surrendering in a battle with nature. To truly live in harmony with nature, *we must master it.*