Boyd Gaming recognizes and celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities in the workplace and our communities.
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Return-to-office mandates often have a greater impact on individuals with disabilities. For many of us, RTO is not just a convenience but a necessity that can significantly improve our ability to cope with our disabilities. This story highlights the harm companies can inflict when they forget about their most vulnerable and sometimes most creative employees.
Sales Account Executive * Fire Engineering Training * JEMS Training * Clarion Events Fire & Rescue Group
Comment below and share positive experiences or workplace standards you've seen that support people with disabilities. "Invisible Disabilities in the Workplace" is an essential resource for understanding the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. Learn more about this course ??
? Did you know ? Temporary ADA signage plays a crucial role in ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities in various public spaces and events. Temporary ADA signage is typically used during events, construction projects, or other temporary situations where permanent ADA signage may not be feasible or necessary. One of the key aspects of temporary ADA signage is its compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. These regulations require that all public facilities and spaces provide accessible features for individuals with disabilities, including the use of proper signage. By complying with ADA regulations and promoting awareness of accessibility issues, temporary ADA signage helps to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals.
Comment below and share positive experiences or workplace standards you've seen that support people with disabilities. "Invisible Disabilities in the Workplace" is an essential resource for understanding the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. Learn more about this course ??
What are the OSHA Standards For Houston ADA Handicap Ramps? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 and ushered in a brand-new era of equal rights for people with disabilities. While the act is lengthy and complex, people encounter its requirements every day. One of the most common examples is Houston ADA Handicap ramps. While some refer to these fixtures as simple wheelchair ramps, various people use them. They improve access, and property owners are federally required to have them. Failing to do so can result in steep fines, lawsuits and more...
Just wrapped up an insightful webinar on Disability Inclusion & Accessible Marketing 101! Key Takeaways: ? Understanding the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities ? Best practices for creating accessible marketing materials ? Tools and resources to ensure content accessibility ? Real-world examples of successful inclusive marketing campaigns - Adidas runner 321.
Current MPA candidate at the University of Michigan-Flint and workforce development/ADA compliance professional at Disability Advocates of Kent County
Now, we need to get companies to be more accommodating. Through the organization I work for, I have seen many corporations that refuse to accommodate people with disabilities. Did you know that the average accommodation costs less then $100? These companies just aren’t understanding that if you spend a little time and actually adhere to the Americans with Disabilites Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Ammendment Act of 2008, they would retain personnel that will remain loyal because you are doing what is right to keep them. The acts are amazing, but written too hastily because it need solid enforcement. A few of you that I know work for corporations that do not follow this law. Be the ally many of these people need and start to make the change in corporate mentality. Remember this, before too long, we all become a member of the disabled community. How would you like to be treated?
Celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month by joining us for this year's Gaming for Inclusion Showcase, happening this Saturday! #SpecialOlympics and Xbox have teamed up to bring you an exciting event that highlights the importance of accessible technology for everyone. ???? #GFI_24 #BecomeLegend #GamersUnite #PlayForPurpose
Universal Design expert planner. Keynote speeches + workshops on how to create a better built environment for people with disabilities. Award-winning storyteller creating content for major nonprofits and corporations.
Textbook example of how to destroy safe pedestrian mobility & discriminate against people with disabilities. Pole in Miami Beach sidewalk center blocks wheelchair users. Crappy asphalt + bumpy utility vaults — where smooth sidewalk should be — trips visually impaired people. 1/2
??? It's Fair Housing Month, and we're highlighting our available Fair Housing Sessions! Trista Curzydlo: Listen to This! Website Accessibility in Real Estate Not all websites are the same and some lack the tools to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Discover how your website stacks up against the ADA and what recommendations you should implement from the Worldwide Web Consortium. #ADACompliance #WebAccessibility #FairHousingMonth #WeSpeakRealEstate
Today is #NationalDisabilityIndependenceDay. On this day, in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed - assuring that Americans with disabilities have access to economic & civic opportunities. At Clearent by Xplor, we recognize this day as we believe in technology's ability to connect and unite us, no matter our abilities, location, or nature. Together, we supercharge success.