This year, our offices participated in a Cards for Hospitalized Kids volunteer event. If you are unfamiliar with this organization, we invite you to check them out at and consider making holiday cards next year as part of your corporate volunteerism. #2024 #CardsforHospitalizedKids
De Novo HRConsulting & Business Advisory的动态
Angela Parker of Realized Worth and Revere's founder Brian Kurth recorded a conversation they had a couple of years ago. Their discussion is as relevant today as it was then so we are sharing it again in case you missed it the first time. They discuss, among other things, how skills-based volunteering?can?be a win-win-win for nonprofits, corporate partners, and volunteers when we implement these three things: 1. Invite employees to bring meaning to their volunteer experience. 2. Create space to challenge assumptions, develop empathy, and change behaviors. 3. Position volunteer events as a step on the way to impact, not the end result. Give it a watch and a listen...
Join the conversation!
As National Volunteer Week comes to a close, I want to express my gratitude to all the volunteers out there. Whether you volunteer formally or informally, your contribution to making our communities better is invaluable. Thank you for all that you do! If you're passionate about advocating for volunteerism, consider joining me and a group of volunteers for an online workshop. Together with Robert Connell, Marla Pender, Kirsten Carr and Jane Hennig we'll discuss what collaborating towards advocating for volunteerism could look like. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, April 30th at 7 pm EDT, and is open to anyone with an interest in volunteerism. You can sign up through Eventbrite (link in comments below) and the Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Let's continue to work together to make our communities even better!
Angela Parker of Realized Worth and I recorded a conversation we had a couple of years ago. Our discussion is as relevant today as it was then so I am sharing it again in case you missed it the first time. We discuss, among other things, how skills-based volunteering?can?be a win-win-win for nonprofits, corporate partners, and volunteers when we implement these three things: 1. Invite employees to bring meaning to their volunteer experience. 2. Create space to challenge assumptions, develop empathy, and change behaviors. 3. Position volunteer events as a step on the way to impact, not the end result.
Free Event! Is your volunteering organisation based within City of Swan, City of Belmont WA, Town of Bassendean or surrounding areas ?! Attend the free Volunteer Program Pulse Check event next week on Wednesday 1 May, and assess your volunteer program's effectiveness. ? Volunteer Program Pulse Check Wednesday 1 May The Glasshouse, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale 12:00pm - Lunch and networking 1:00pm - 4:00pm Workshop Registrations are essential and close soon > This will be an invaluable session for your organisation or community group, discussing: * key findings of the new WA State of Volunteering Report * how to asses your volunteer program's effectiveness * tools to address challenges and formulating a strategy for future volunteer engagement and objectives * how to generate data to communicate the impact of your program
Discover the joy of giving back! This article offers tips on finding volunteer opportunities that not only make a difference but also fill your heart with happiness. Whether you're in Taylor, PA, or beyond, learn how to choose activities that align with your passions and how volunteering can become a fulfilling part of your life. #NationalVolunteerMonth
What does volunteering look like? In its last State of the World’s Volunteerism Report (, United Nations Volunteers attempted to capture the depth and variety of global volunteering by identifying 5 different types of volunteer action: ? MUTUAL AID—informal, person-to-person help ? SERVICE—responding to the perceived needs of another community ? CAMPAIGNING—amplifying marginalized voices ? PARTICIPATION—in governance ? LEISURE—volunteering around personal interests Please engage with these amazing resources and stay tuned for the fifth report, on MEASURING volunteering,?scheduled to be published this year! →
Volunteers give their time for free, but that doesn’t mean engaging them comes without cost. Organizations need to invest in the right resources, tools, and strategies to ensure volunteers are supported and making a real impact. When done right, volunteer engagement strengthens programs, reduces staff burnout, and helps communities thrive. But too often, it’s underfunded or seen as an afterthought. Do you think investing in volunteerism should be a priority for organizations? Why or why not? (Link in comments)
Did you miss our lunch and learn about engaging younger volunteers? ???? Don't worry you can watch the whole session by following the link in the comments. This session, we will be having a presentation from Matt Parker on how he has enabled the organisation that he manages, Bay Volunteers, to engage the younger generation of volunteers by making successful partnerships with educational institutions and organisations to enable successful volunteering experiences for all involved. Followed by an informal chat to connect with other professionals in the sector. #volunteermanagement #volunteerrecruitment #charitydigital
What do we think about…bragging about our volunteer efforts? Personally, I think we have to celebrate and talk about these experiences because sharing our stories ignites others to do the same, multiplying the positive impacts. Every act of volunteering sets a ripple in motion so let's use this week to encourage one another and highlight the diverse ways we can and do contribute. How do you contribute? #NationalVolunteeringWeek #ShareYourImpact #VolunteerPride #Jacobs #STEMAmbassadors #STEAMatJacobs
Volunteering is not just about free service, as some people think it to be. It's about doing something with a consciousness of yourself, identifying why you want to do it, and acknowledging for whom it is being done. I'm excited about this webinar. It is an opportunity for YOU to learn about volunteering. There's a lot you don't know about volunteering, and this is a chance to learn. So, come join us ?? Get registered and set a reminder. ?? #ToMyNeigborsOnTheOnLine ??
Product Manager |Volunteer Management Trainer | Linkedin Top Volunteering&Volunteering management Voice | Building Ablefort Initiative|.
Countdown to Our Volunteering Webinar! I'm grateful for my amazing team at The Volunteer Space, who've worked tirelessly to prepare for this event. What started as a random thought is now becoming a reality! Join us this Friday&Saturday for our Volunteering!Impact!Thrive! Webinar as we feast for an unforgettable experience! Have you registered? Set your calendars and get ready! Register here: [] I shared 3 things I wished I knew before my first volunteering experience : [] Special shout out to Olanike Ogunleye for leading this team, working alongside with you is such a delight. #VolunteeringWebinar #MakeADifference"