Last week Embry-Riddle Daytona Beach College of Engineering EECS faculty participated in the ERAU Artificial Intelligence Summit including M. Ilhan Akbas, Jianhua Liu, and Bryan Watson, P. E.. For more about the event, see President P. Barry Butler's post below: #GoERAU #ERAU_EECS_EXCELLENCE #ArtificialIntelligence
Last week, the office of our Provost Kelly Austin hosted Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's first #Artificial_Intelligence (AI) summit on campus. The benefits of #AI are both emergent and tremendous, but groundbreaking progress doesn't come without risks. It’s important that we understand the challenges around the responsible use of AI and consider safety, security and ethical considerations as it relates?to #higher_education, #aviation and #aerospace. Embry-Riddle is lucky to have leaders such as Provost Austin, Vice Provost Bert Zarb and Chief Information Officer Becky Vasquez and their teams who are leading our way into the future of tech in aerospace and aviation.