Unhappy at work? You can “quiet quit” by keeping your job and doing the bare minimum — or you can outright quit. It seems like U.S. workers are more comfortable turning to the second option more quickly these days. LinkedIn's short tenure rate, which measures the fraction of positions that end after being held for less than a year, has increased across industries over the past couple of years, according to a new analysis. In this edition of Workforce Insights, my LinkedIn News colleague?Taylor Borden digs into which particular industries are seeing surges — and dips — in fast quitting. Check out the findings and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Let's see...at 52 weeks per year, give or take two to three weeks of vacation, multiplied by 40 hours per week (before we travel to and from), waiting a whole year to quit a job that one doesn't like totals 2080 hours of life that can never be returned. I'm not saying that one should just up and leave. However, if one finds themselves in a job that is not living up to the best that they desire, I'd urge him/her to very quickly reposition to one that does. #timeisprecious