Big tech companies should give data - and power - back to the people, because it’s in their own interests, say Dataswyft CEO Professor Dr Irene Ng and King’s College London Associate Professor of Marketing Ilias Danatzis in a news feature with Germany's international broadcaster Deutsche Welle. Drawing from their research recently published in MIS Quarterly, Irene and Ilias discuss Dataswyft’s patented data wallet technology that allows users to securely collect and store their own data on microservers as well as licence this data to big tech companies to create more valuable contextualised data that benefits both users and tech companies. ‘We should design digital platforms that give users real control over their data, their privacy and digital opportunities,’ says Illias. Highlighting the need for free markets for data, Irene adds: ‘Data is now being collected on every facet of our behaviour…If markets and the data are not free then our behaviours are not free.’ Watch the full feature on DW News’ Instagram:? #selfsovereigndata #selfsovereignidentity #datawallet #data #dataportability #digitization #datasovereignty?#digitalplatforms? #dataprivacy #userempowerment