Hello Aviators,
PFD - Primary Flight Display
The The Primary Flight Display plays a role in avionics systems with vital flight details in a concise manner. Below are the features and functions of a PFD:
1. Attitude Indicator: Indicates the aircrafts position in relation to the horizon showing pitch (nose up or down) and roll (bank angle).
2. Airspeed Indicator: Shows the speed of the aircraft typically measured in knots and includes markers for speeds like stall speed cruising speed and maximum operating speed.
3. Altitude Indicator: Displays the aircrafts height above sea level in feet or meters.
4. Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI): Shows the rate of climb or descent usually measured in feet per minute.
5. Heading Indicator: Displays the heading of the aircraft to magnetic north.
6. Turn Coordinator: Provides details on turn rate and coordination to determine if the aircraft is slipping or skidding during turns.
7. Navigation Information: Often integrates data, from GPS or other navigation systems to show waypoints, flight path information and other navigation aids.
8. Flight Director: Displays command bars or indicators that assist pilots in maintaining their desired flight path.
9. Autopilot Status: This section provides information, on the status of the autopilot system detailing the modes it is operating in and the specific parameters it is managing.
10. Warnings and Alerts: Here you can find notifications and cautionary messages that are crucial for ensuring flight safety, such as alerts for stalls terrain warnings or any malfunctions, within the system.
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