Being successful – how does it feel to you?

Being successful – how does it feel to you?

If someone asks you what success means to you, what would you say? I suppose it would be something like having a dream job, a house, a loving relationship, living in an exotic place, having children, etc... But what if success is actually what we feel in every moment of our lives or in the majority? Would you be so drawn to success if you knew you had to be unsuccessful for a certain period of time first? And being unsuccessful hits very hard.

The truth is that failure is a part of success. It is not the opposite of it. It is part of the same process. We need to learn what unsuccessfulness looks and feels like in order to recognize and appreciate success.

Often we tend to think of failures as something very bad that negatively affects our emotional state leading us to give up on something we wanted to achieve. But, mostly, failures are just solutions that did not work. We tried – we failed. We tried another path and – we failed again. And that is okay, there are always countless solutions to our problems and numerous approaches we can take. We just do not see them because our mantle of negativity obscures creativity.

It is totally normal to be sad, devastated, and disappointed after facing a failure. Let those emotions be in you, feel them, sit with them, embrace them, but do not let them consume you. It is just another rainy day, that is all. And I know – sometimes it rains for days, even weeks... It will pass as soon as you decide (and be able) to take another shot.

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So, let’s narrow down the most important things in setting up our mindset for success:

1. Positivity – positive thinking helps in every situation. It is like Sunshine on cloud days. Surround yourself with positive people who will bring up positive energy to your life. For every negative thought have 2 positive ones.

2. Faith – it is crucial to have faith that we will win a race in some way. When there is nothing left, faith takes over.

3. Never give up – You can do whatever, but you should NEVER give up on your dream life. You have to be fully committed. Giving up is not an option.

4. Fun – Avoid taking life too seriously. I know there are A lot of hard things that bring stress and anxiety, but try to have fun as much as you can. Be responsible, but always embrace fun even in your daily routine.

5. Constant work in bettering ourselves – mistakes are part of the process and I know it is not easy to face them, but we are meant to learn, and make mistakes, that is how we grow. Learn from your mistakes, use them to improve yourself.

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Some of my life failures felt like falling from a mountain. Ironically, I found my strength there – in the pit of failure. I was even more motivated to succeed (maybe that is the reason why I like mountains so much ??). And I did it because of my mindset. I was struggling badly but I never let anything bring me down so I lose my spark. Your spark and desire to succeed must be greater than anything else. How would you do that? By constantly working on yourself. That should be your goal after which success comes naturally. After all, success will not be something you go towards, it will become just a side product of your commitment to improvement. The most important will be how it feels to you ??

You can have your dream house, but if you are not happy in it what is the point then?


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