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Dos and Don’ts from The Content Trap by Bharat Anand: Empower Decision-Making Through Feedback Loops Do: Implement systems to collect, analyze, and act on feedback from users and partners. Don't: Underestimate the importance of continuous feedback for improvement.
One thing we keep hearing in the renovation industry: 'So many people call us for the same thing, promising the world.' But how many agencies actually show real success for businesses like yours? How many prove genuine profit, not just a number of leads? Truth is, 99% of them don’t. We’ve spent thousands of pounds on ads and gone through the trenches over the past 3 years to understand exactly what it takes to run profitable lead-gen ads for renovation companies. Follow me for insights on how to consistently secure high-quality jobs through social media ads, Because I will be posting that soon..... Or ?? Book a Call Below.
We are always happy to hear reviews like these ??.
If there is something and someone I would recommend from 2024 on is Shane Parrish. His objective is to understand and share what other people have figured out so we do not make the same mistakes or we fast forward the learning paths. Here is a great way to start 2025, a quick but deep guide to review our year and start fresh with a clear mind. To all, Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Last year, 35,000 people downloaded my annual review framework. The consistent feedback? "Finally, a system that shows what to ignore." Want the 2025 version?
Powerful questions to help you cut the noise, see patterns, and act decisively in 2025! Last year, over 35,000 people downloaded Shane Parrish annual review framework. TRY IT - you might be pleasantly surprised!! The consistent feedback? "Finally, a system that shows what to ignore." Master the best of what other people have already figured out at.
We all get stuck ruminating at some point. Reading can help break that way of thinking by providing different perspectives.
To solve a problem: 1. Identify it 2. Write down solutions 3. Make a way for solutions to auto-act And... today we did the same with Flow. Note down this and execute. It's the grind season homie??
In an ideal world, confidence would be distributed evenly and in just the right quantities. In practice, it is distributed very lumpily and is also susceptible to feedback loops Illustration: Paul Blow
I love collecting high-quality questions. Here is one I've been asking myself the most lately- What is the one problem I have, that if solved, would take care of all of my other problems? The answer that came to mind for me? My bed time. If I can find a way to get into bed before 10:00 PM, a lot of my other problems solve themselves. Ask your self that same question and feel free to share the answer you came up with below!
Asking quality questions yields quality responses. I'm working hard to eliminate "how are you?" and "what do you do?" and instead asking things like "what does it feel like to be you today?" or "what gets you excited about the future?" The responses have been fun and surprising and so revealing. What questions get fun responses for you?