Have you listened to the latest CougsFirst! podcast episode?! ?? https://bit.ly/3HoYDpW Tony and Kelsey reflect back on some of the fun memories and episodes along the way, as we close this chapter (for now) on the CougsFirst! Podcast ?? THANK YOU to all of you who have listened to and supported our podcast! We have had so much fun sharing these Remarkable Coug Stories over the past two years ?? We also want to extend an enormous thank you to Kelsey, our host of the podcast. Not only is she an amazing podcast host and CougsFirst! partner, she’s a business owner herself and has so many amazing things ahead of her that we can’t wait to watch her accomplish ?? This isn’t goodbye forever, and we still have so many other ways to stay connected and continue supporting CougsFirst! and Coug businesses! So be sure to stay tuned for what's next! #GoCougs
It's time to delegate - you know it is! As your friendly Podcast VA, I'm here to help lighten your load. Let me take on those tasks that have been piling up so you can focus on what truly matters. Reach out and let's make a plan together. #podcastpassion #timetodelegate #podcastva #podcastvaservices #janismelillo
*Hypothetically*, let's say we're starting a podcast. And hypothetically, let's say Samantha McKenna is the host. I have literally been trying to convince her to take this leap since day 2 on the job, but then Courtney Garcia struts by with her "podcast producer" experience and people describing her as "way cooler than the rest of you" and suddenly it's on the table. So, since everyone has a podcast now ??, pop off with your suggestions, aspects of your favorite pods, pitfalls to avoid, and what you're just not getting enough of when it comes to Sam and #samsales content. Joe Rogan, we comin' for you. #podcast
In this episode of the Intentional Success Podcast, I reveal the mindset shifts you need to break free from razor-thin margins and claim the profits you deserve. If you’re ready to quit the excuses and start succeeding on purpose, this episode is a MUST-LISTEN!??
#WednesdayWisdom ????Today’s quote is taken from Episode #29 of the Making Key Changes podcast titled,?“Sharing Stories About Ourselves.” ????In this episode, we reflect on why and how sharing stories about ourselves can be beneficial. Discover key changes you can make to understand, appreciate, validate, and trust those you love, serve, and lead. ????You can listen to the podcast through your favorite podcast app or on the Making Key Changes website. #MakingKeyChanges
In this episode of the Intentional Success Podcast, I reveal the mindset shifts you need to break free from razor-thin margins and claim the profits you deserve. If you’re ready to quit the excuses and start succeeding on purpose, this episode is a MUST-LISTEN!??
Last week on my podcast, I talked about the hard truths we often have to face in our quest to succeed. Today's podcast continues the conversation but from the perspective of THE PIVOT. Listen to learn my take on the what, and why's of it all. As always, the link is in the comments and I look forward to your feedback. Comment on the podcast and receive a shout out on the next episode!
#WednesdayWisdom ????Today’s quote is from?the Making Key Changes podcast episode #42 “Love, Serve, Lead.” ????In this episode, we discover key changes we can make to effectively love, serve, and lead in our living and working space. ????Listen to the podcast on your favorite app or the Making Key Changes website. A new episode airs each Tuesday at 5 am EDT. Weekly episodes are only 10 minutes each. #MakingKeyChanges
??? Calling all inspiring individuals! Are you ready to share your story and help others? Join me as a guest on my podcast, The Infinite Abilities Podcast, and make a difference in the lives of others. Just comment below with 'Hey Nick, let's go' and I will reach out to schedule a call. Let's spread inspiration together!?? #infiniteabilitiespodcast #shareyourstory #helpothers #guestspot #podcastguest #inspirationalstories
Have you set your alarm for 5am TOMORROW for the launch of our new podcast, Feel Better About Money, from The Times and Sunday Times? No? Well luckily I'm here to remind you, along with a video below! Join me and Holly Mead for our first episode tomorrow! #podcast #personalfinance
Just because you have a weekly podcast doesn't mean you're all in. Surround yourself with great people who are far ahead of you. Feel insecure because the standards they have are so high. And then outwork your self-doubt. Raise your standards. And become an entirely different person. For the full episode click this link here: https://buff.ly/3ysTfRb Episode: Why You Need To Go All In On Your Podcast