Keep it up Alabama. Proud of our State.
First, in this hyper-partisan world we live in, I ask that this informative piece doesn't get dismissed out of hand because it was on Fox News (depending on your leaning). Second, if you aren't aware of this issue facing Virginia's most disabled veterans, Gold Star family members, and surviving family members of Virginia's first responders, please watch. Third, this highlights a much larger issue within our government that occurs at both the state and federal elected official (by a relatively small group of constituents) has the power to impact the entire state or nation (e.g., Speaker of the House) by PERSONALLY deciding a bill won't be introduced. No checks and balances whatsoever. Veterans and first responders outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, please watch this as your state may be the next battleground. Veterans and first responders within the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is not too late for your voice to be heard. Please reach out to your Senator and ask them to support a bill to fully repeal the changes to the VMSDEP snuck into the approved budget bill and ask for the follow-on study that supports the sustainability of the VMSDEP to be fully transparent and inclusive of stakeholders.
Does #UncleSam really want you? How many people are ready to be all they can be? The question of rekindling the #draft has sparked debate across the spectrum, with opinions ranging from the deeply informed to some that seem to have been pulled right out of, well... thin air. The all-volunteer force is approaching #mandatoryretirement age and some wonder whether it's at or near the breaking point. Regardless of where you stand on the question, it's safe to say the all-volunteer force is past its wear-out date. #SelectiveService is, frankly, out of touch with the times. It hasn't been touched since #Nixon was in office and Kevin C. M. Benson had a full head of hair. I know. That's a long time. Congress could fix it, but they struggle to pass a budget on time. Or at all. And, like a lot of things Congress could fix, we're more likely to see Bigfoot in the Oval Office than any meaningful change. So, as the debate rages on, Katie ?? Helbling and I sat down for the #SecurityClearanceCareers podcast to talk options, ideas, and wild-ass guesses. Where will the future take us? Is there an AVF 2.0 waiting in the wings? What will J.D. Vance say next? Okay, we didn't talk about that last one. We should have, but we ran out of time. And cats. ClearanceJobs
What grade would you give the Biden-Harris Administration? “A” for Awesome? Or “F” for FAILURE? You can hand out grades today by completing The Heritage Foundation’s WHITE HOUSE REPORT CARD. Think about the issues facing our country right now: Taxes, spending and inflation, the unbridled power of the D.C. deep state, and border security and illegal immigration. If you ask me, the Biden-Harris White House has failed America on ALL of these issues. What do you think? Here’s your chance to speak out. To say what you think about what the Biden-Harris Administration has done to our country. The Left and their media allies have lots to say about it. They’re trying to rewrite history. They’re pushing fake narratives about how great the Biden-Harris White House really is – about how the US economy is really strong. How inflation truly isn’t all that bad. About how our borders are actually secure. How our country is safe from foreign threats. And how their “woke” gender madness that lets men beat up women in sports, is perfectly normal. If even one of these issues matters to you, this is a great opportunity for you to speak out! Please complete your WHITE HOUSE REPORT CARD using the secure link below. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D. President, The Heritage Foundation P.S. Say what you think about what the Biden-Harris Administration has done to our country by completing The Heritage Foundation’s WHITE HOUSE REPORT CARD: The Heritage Foundation The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts AVE NE Washington DC 20002 (800) 546-2843
"The promise of the TCES measure is profound. It doesn’t just diagnose the problem — it offers a blueprint for crafting policies that genuinely meet working families’ needs. By using this measure and its findings, city leaders can make more informed policy decisions that better support low- and middle-income individuals and families striving to thrive in New York City." You can read Jennifer Jones Austin newest op-ed for the New York Daily News here:
Over 44% of Tennessee business leaders are planning to increase their workforce this year, showcasing confidence in our state’s economic health. More:
I am excited to share my latest piece in the Arizona Capitol Times. There is a growing disconnect between voter priorities and policy outcomes in Arizona. Arizonans have clearly voiced their priorities—on education, water, housing, and more.?It’s time to bridge the gap and turn shared priorities into real action for Arizona’s future. By aligning policies with shared priorities, Arizona can build a stronger and brighter future.? ? Read the full piece:? ?
#OnThisDay ? On December 3, 1818, Illinois entered the United States as the 21st state. President James Monroe sent a message to Congress that talked about why adding Illinois as a state would help the country. “I communicate, with great satisfaction, the accession of another state, Illinois, to our Union; because I perceive, from the proof afforded by the additions already made, the regular progress and sure consummation of a policy, of which history affords no example, and of which the good effect cannot be two highly estimated: By extending our government, on the principles of our constitution over the vast territory within our limits, on the Lakes and the Mississippi, and its numerous streams, new life and vigor are infused into every part of our system. By increasing the number of the states, the confidence of the state governments in their own security is increased, and their jealousy of the national government proportionally diminished.” ??Illinois, Our Home (grade 4) covers the history of Illinois from the earliest people on the land to the challenges facing Illinoisans today.
The findings of a new report will come as good news to the Coloradans who feel like the state has gotten too crowded. There are now more people moving out than there are moving in to the state. That's according to the?U-Haul Growth Index.
For second time in 10 years in Colorado, annual report shows more people moving out of the state than moving in
See what MTF President Douglas Howgate said about one of the tax-related revenue-generating policies in the Governor’s FY 2026 budget proposal. You can check out the rest of our budget analysis here: #mapoli #taxes #budget #spending #publicpolicy
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