40 years is a BIG deal! From 1984 to today, CLA SoCal has been fighting injustice and advocating for social, economic, and racial equity for our neighbors in southeast Los Angeles County. We're celebrating TONIGHT at Justice Served 2024. See you all there! ????
Community Legal Aid SoCal的动态
It has only been a few years since Juneteenth officially became a United States National Holiday, so some companies may still be deciding how they can best integrate and celebrate this national holiday throughout their companies. Here are some ideas to help get you started: 1. Volunteer as a company at a local event 2. Sponsor a Juneteenth event in your community 3. Expand your company's DEI efforts 4. Invite a civil rights or racial justice professional speaker to come and talk to your organization Happy Juneteenth everyone! The original concept for this post, and some of the ideas were taken from this article: https://lnkd.in/gC5vYHkm.
Drawing on her lifetime of social justice activism, Fania Davis depicts the essence of Restorative Justice, an emerging approach that seeks to move us from an ethic of separation, domination and extreme individualism to one of collaboration, partnership and interrelatedness. Rooted in Indigenous views of justice and healing, this rapidly expanding global movement invites us to make a radical shift from either-or, right-wrong, and us-versus-them ways of thinking. https://buff.ly/3ujtFwm
Happy Independence Day from all of us at Jacoby & Meyers! As we celebrate the values of freedom and justice upon which this great nation was built, we're reminded of the importance of community, equality, and the pursuit of justice. For more on how we champion these values through our work, visit https://lnkd.in/dJFayz6. #IndependenceDay #JacobyAndMeyers #personalinjuryattorney #personalinjurylaw #injurylaw #injurylawyers #injurylawyer #injuryattorney #accidentlawyer #caraccidentlawyer
Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Member (Marvelous Movie Maven) | Customer Care Professional for LearnQuest
Wonder how far this will go? REPARATIONS - Philly looking into the ever illusive, never fully addressed debt owed to the present day Black Americans whose Ancestors were the backbone of building the country as they endured and survived Enslavement, Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration... In 2020 the conversation of Systemic Racism, which is inherent in the very fabric of everyday life, was front and center. Now 4 years later so much has slid back, including yesterday, the Supreme Court went against a lower court ruling on a congressional voting map in South Carolina, which adversely affects black voters - "“Justice Alito for a court majority has once again come up with a legal framework that makes it easier for Republican states to engage in redistricting to help white Republicans maximize their political power,” - NYT The Reparations Task Force is seeking volunteers to help study, survey and assist with the eight committees. Sign up on the?task force's website. What's next:?The task force will hold public meetings and events, with a town hall set for June 29. https://lnkd.in/eVzGBmKU #Philly #Philadelphia #Reparations #TaskForce #BlackRace #Racism #Equality #Justice #SocialReform #SupremeCourt #EventhePlayingField
Here The Tudor Trust as we develop our work plan alongside our ongoing transformation, we are publishing a series of blogs to increase our visibility and transparency. This first one is about our approach to racial justice. When applied to systems thinking, and to challenging a scarcity mindset, we want to understand how racial justice could be a lens through which to build thriving communities for the benefit of everyone. https://lnkd.in/eGGHuuvC
This summer, we honor 60 years since Freedom Summer '64, a groundbreaking moment when activists fought against racial injustice in Mississippi. Now, JULIAN and a coalition of civil and human rights organizations invite YOU to be part of this legacy with Freedom Summer '24. We'll dive into hands-on work in organizing, policy development, legal advocacy, medical support, and more. Share widely and help spread the word. Your journey to innovate, advocate, and lead change in Mississippi starts here. https://lnkd.in/gPtYtp3B
Some interesting updates from The Tudor Trust... 'As the summer ends and the staff at Tudor come back together as a team, we are stepping up our plans to launch our new strategy and begin making new grants... The scarcity mindset is plain in many funding and grant-making practices. It means we put the onus on small organisations and groups to justify why they should receive funding. It means they are expected to compete with the very groups they may want to work in partnership with, and it continues in how they report on outcomes defined by the funders’ goals. Tudor alone cannot undo these practices and the mindsets that drive them... It is becoming clearer to us that, as we develop our plans to make a small number of grants this year, we will be doing so in a way that is quite different to how we funded in the past. We will be developing our first grants alongside a continuation of the total transformation of Tudor, and so we will work in careful partnership with the first set of organisations that we invite to apply'
Here The Tudor Trust as we develop our work plan alongside our ongoing transformation, we are publishing a series of blogs to increase our visibility and transparency. This first one is about our approach to racial justice. When applied to systems thinking, and to challenging a scarcity mindset, we want to understand how racial justice could be a lens through which to build thriving communities for the benefit of everyone. https://lnkd.in/eGGHuuvC
Senior Equity Fellow, US Department of Education | Schott Foundation | Non-Profit & Philanthropic leader | Racial Justice & Equity Strategist | Movement Builder
Trust is foundational to successfully working in communities.
You can't do the work of education justice, racial justice, without building relationships that are foundational in building trust." Letha Muhammad's wise words continue to keep us inspired as we reimagine the ways the grassroots organizations get their funding with our campaign #EndowNow. Find out more here:?https://lnkd.in/dmkz8jcM
entrepreneur | business lady | social justice author | speaker & entrepreneur | passionate about putting people + place over profit | author of Self-Elected | real estate industry expert
I should have edited this video. It's long. There is an awkward pause. And another one. I'm not as good with my words here. That's okay. I'm talking about race. And that's uncomfortable. I grew up in Idaho. Everyone looked like me. I looked like everybody. We didn't talk about diversity or race. Because why would we? If we did, I don't recall any champions for justice. I had a LOT to learn. Like this: while we celebrate Juneteenth, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in 1862. By design, it took 2 ? years for news to reach the last slaves in Galveston, Texas. On June 19th, 1865. ?Not even justice was justly delivered. The sacrifice and suffering originating from American slavery is a stain on our history.?It has been replaced with systemic, structural racism that persists.?Especially in real estate.?We can make a difference here.?The future is ours to advance a more just and equitable future. It’s one thing to reflect and learn. It’s another to act. It's the work of individuals and business leaders to insist on change, then make it. It's my work. Nest DC birdSEED Foundation Jennifer Green, CMCA, AMS Natasha Bonhomme Michael Bennett André Robert Lee Leslie Hartmann Case Marla M. Dean Grace Langham Veronica Vivas Pavan Khoobchandani Kirby Howell Benjamin Cyprien Eser Yildirim Grace Woolen Gabrielle “Gabby” Mulnick Majewski Paola Moya Aaron Warren Scott Case Alison Scimeca Mimi Concannon #juneteenth #racialequity #justice
Juneteenth is an important milestone in the ongoing struggle for racial equity, a value central to our efforts at New Futures. As we pause to commemorate this significant moment in history, we stand in solidarity with communities furthest from justice. Use this guide to Juneteenth events in the DMV to make your own plans to celebrate: https://ow.ly/5uBg50Skpb6
Congratulations! Happy 40th!