Interested in learning about people with mental illness and how they are overrepresented in our nation’s jails and prisons. Nearly 80% of people released from prison in the U.S. each year have a chronic medical, substance use, or psychiatric condition, and the justice system faces difficulties creating meaningful connections to care. Hear from a national expert on the intersection of health care and the criminal justice system. Explore the history of mental health care and how policy choices have led to the development of parallel health care systems, with negative outcomes for those who are justice involved. Heat about the opportunities in a historic moment and how we can work to implement best practices that promote integration between behavioral health care and corrections, and policy solutions that improve access to quality care for people who are incarcerated. Please register for the NAMI webinar Criminal Justice and Mental Illness: A Webinar on The State of The Issue and hear COCH's own Daniel Mistak #reentry #justiceinvolvedhealthcare #behavioralhealth #sud #oud #corrections Melissa Denino