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Rejecting a history that would tell them "No.", Common Future invests in a future where "Yes." is around every corner for Black and Indigenous women and non-binary leaders. By granting them the funding, mentorship, and peer support that they've been historically excluded from, we push closer to the visions and hopes of the communities that these leaders carry. Though we are not ignorant of the tactics of the tactics of those who fight against progress, we will persist. Because this is how we push back. This is how we win.

Tamara Prosper

Health & Economic Equity Advocate and your favorite tour guide and visit planner.

2 个月

Thank you, Common Future, for this awesome opportunity. It's been far more than I had imagined and I appreciate everyone involved.

C. Paul Bindel

Building community wealth through worker owned business and community owned real estate

2 个月

Love seeing Dre Chiriboga-Flor’s face!

