What can Pittsburgh's transformation teach us in Hamilton?
Pittsburgh and the City Of Hamilton share a common history in their industrial pre-eminence in steel in the mid 1900's. Carnegie Steel, U.S. Steel, Dofasco and Stelco. Giants of their era. Dominant in their regions. Strategic employers. Philanthropic pillars. But the decline in the steel industry devastated both regions in the inevitable job losses, rapid decline of the local economies and urban decay.
What happened next in both communities shared some early similarities in the slow pivot to education and health care. But in Pittsburgh's case far more progress was made.
Our respective communities are in markedly different positions today. The reasons are many and varied and, in Pittsburgh's case the subject of a great deal of research and writing (and worth exploring if you're interested). Much harder to pin down are the reasons for our struggles. But whatever the reasons, we're at a cross roads (again). But this time we have in our grasp the potential to achieve and exceed what Pittsburgh has accomplished in the coming decades for reasons that PJ Mercanti and I touch on with Mike Fortune.
Beyond on our remarks here, let me share what I see from my work in the area that leaves me optimistic about our region's future:
?? The Oak View Group's investment with Live Nation Entertainment in collaboration with HUPEG in our City's key downtown asset, centered as it is on entertainment - particularly music and performance - will yield massive economic local economic impacts and not just in the infrastructure investment, but in ongoing retail and hospitality spend, employment and skills training, local procurement and international civic brand recognition.
?? We're Canada's biggest small town. Our leadership in every sector is deeply connected. We know each other. Not always collaborative or high functioning - but possessing that potential. And OVG is the kick in the pants we all need.
?? Our region is insanely well positioned geographically as the connecting node btw the GTA and the US market.
?? Lets not forget about the City of Burlington right next door. One of Canada's most livable cities. Widely recognized as a jewel. Led by a future focused Mayor (Marianne Meed Ward (C.Dir.) and Council. And is itself on the cusp of massive infrastructure transformation in the coming years owing to the efforts of its largest land owner and developer Alinea Land Corporation whose proposed projects in Aldershot, Appleby and Bronte Creek will soon burst into public view offering the prospect of new amenities, a remarkable inventory of housing and a magnet for the retention and attraction of talent.
Not unlike Austin Texas, we have a quirky, creative, disruptive, iconoclastic, irreverent heart. And with that the opportunity to lean into the creative industries in music, film, food, art and sports.
Its now about execution and grit.
We can do this. ??
Our team members, PJ Mercanti and Louis Frapporti, recently sat down with Cable 14 Hamilton to chat about the exciting Hamilton Arena Project and The Commons.
"This is a decisive moment in the city's history because creative industries - particularly in music -?are massive catalysts and accelerators of economic investment." - Louis Frapporti
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Definitely miss flying in the old war pigs. EP-3’s were an awesome platform!!