No More App-switching or Context-switching? Our Identity Security Platform has already been securing cloud environments by enabling temporary, least-privilege IAM access, eliminating the risks of permanent cloud access. Now, we’re taking it a step further—extending JIT Access to databases to ensure sensitive data remains protected while allowing seamless, on-demand access when needed. Organizations can now eliminate permanent database credentials, and the need for a jump box, enforce strict access controls, minimize attack surfaces, and reduce insider threats. Access is granted dynamically using time-bound tokens, ensuring that users only get the exact level of access required—when they need it, for as long as they need it. Schedule a demo: Cloudanix IAM JIT: #iamjit #iamsecurity #justintimeaccess #insiderthreat #accesscontrolplatform #identitymanagement #accessmanagement #cloudengineer #cloudadmin #cto #ondemandaccess #developeraccesscontrol #ciso #securityleaders #devsecops #cloudanix