We are pleased that researchers from the Smart Vehicle Systems working group at Technische Universit?t Ilmenau took part in the Thuringian Forum MOBILITY 2024 in Bad Blankenburg, Germany. Alexander Hentschel, Roman Tangalychev and Hiroyuki Fuse presented our innovation projects, which are supported by the European Commission and implemented by strong partner consortia across Europe. In particular, the key indicators and results of CliMAFlux - Horizon Europe Project, E-VOLVE Cluster projects EM-TECH project, HiPE, HighScape, SmartCorners, and Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions project OWHEEL were presented to the general public and experts. Our team would like to thank the organizing team of the Thuringian Forum MOBILITY 2024 and especially Thüringer Innovationszentrum Mobilit?t and State Development Corporation of Thuringia - LEG for the opportunity to present the current results of our projects to many research and industry organizations and to inform themselves about trends in the professional environment of vehicle technology. CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency European Research Executive Agency (REA) #electricvehicles #sustainablemobility #horizoneurope