Check out the Oct. 16 City E-News for information on the proposed 2025 budget, upcoming events, leaf pickup and more!
City of Des Plaines的动态
If you're anything like me, you know tomorrow is #budget day in #Canada. A few of the details Dan shares in his post about his "behind-the-scenes" look at what goes into Budget day, can be applied to your resume and I could not let the opportunity go by without pointing out some of the similarities of having your resume screened by employers. --- "Much to the writers’ dismay, the [reporters] usually flip right past the beautifully written and carefully crafted narrative in the introduction, and dive right into the tables at the back." --- Recruiters and hiring managers know what they want to see. And while you may have spent hours coming up with perfectly crafted words, your audience is looking for quantifiable data that proves you can do what you say. --- "Of course, the real story of the budget is never obvious on Budget Day. It is buried in the pages everyone flipped through to get to the tables in the annex. --- No one gets to "know" someone from a quick viewing or reading of their resume. At best you have an inkling of the person, but until you meet them in person (often via interview) you don't get their real story and you certainly aren't seeing the whole picture. --- "Budgets are more than just financial documents; they are narratives that define governments’ priorities and ideologies. Whether dubbed as the first ‘feminist’ budget or championing other causes, budgets reflect the values and aspirations of the country. Crafted with precision, every word is a piece of a puzzle, contributing to the overarching narrative of governance." --- Like Dan believes budgets are more than just financial documents - I believe resumes are more than the history of your career. They tell your story, demonstrate your values and interests and express to others your alignment and shared interests with the organizations where you most want to work. Finally, Dan writes "The the culmination of the public service’s [efforts...It] is inherently complicated, messy, and beautiful." --- So well written - and accurate about your career messaging as well. Your resume is the culmination of all your hard work at school, work, at home, in the community, as a human being having a human experience. Happy Budget Day, Canada
Happy B-Day! iPolitics approached me to provide a glimpse into what #Budget day is like from the inside. I had fun going down memory lane, and could almost smell the old Centre Block as I wrote this. Plenty more fun stories to share, like the time I had to be shoved into the PM's private bathroom to avoid the cameras... but alas, the word count wouldn't allow it #cdnpoli
Budget Day: Behind the scenes of Canada’s political Super Bowl
Earlier this year the City of Brighton Budget & Performance Team brainstormed goals for the 2025-2026 budget process. Top in that discussion was a desire to better educate and engage residents to demistify the process and how their tax dollars are used. I am proud to say that today we launched a new video about how the City's budget works, on Saturday we will be engaging residents at Brighton Summerfest, and next week we will be launching a resident survey. These are first of what we hope to be many steps toward building public trust through our budget process. #localgovernment #localgov #publicengagement #publictrust
What is the City of Brighton’s budget?
Today marks 'back to school' for the Legislature. As the Capitol community has one month to finish this session, here are a few things to remember for the remaining Budget work you might see this month. #Legislature #CABudget Check out my latest blog for an insider's guide to August Budget stuff.
Deja Vu: Isn't the Budget Done and Dusted?
???? ?????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ????? ? If the latest federal government budget is leaving you hungry for perks and savings, you’re not alone. We’ve had a brainstorm and here are four ways you can start working towards your property goals now. ????? ?
What is the split on our municipal tax bill? Read this.
Did you know that the City of Kitchener only uses 30% of the property taxes we collect, with the rest going to the Region and school boards? Find out how we make the most of that 30% by watching this video. ??WATCH:
How your city budget works
Best Ways to Move Cross-Country on a Budget
Best Ways to Move Cross-Country on a Budget
Register for the Iowa League Of Cities' 2024 Budget Workshops. Begin developing 2026 Fiscal Year budgets, learn important factors that affect city budgets, and understand related state requirements. Learn more and register:
?? also, CCN Consultation Response report embedded in link of summary write up below.
?? Watch coverage of our new budget survey on ITV News at Six tonight, with four in five county and unitary councils warning they are in a worse position after the Budget and Local Government Finance Settlement. The piece profiles the tough decisions being made by East Sussex County Council and Kent County Council, as Peter Oakford says budget setting has been more difficult this year due to how the government proposes to distribute funding in the settlement. ?? Read our press release as Barry Lewis says the government is ‘cherry picking’ what councils to target funding towards:
?? Watch coverage of our new budget survey on ITV News at Six tonight, with four in five county and unitary councils warning they are in a worse position after the Budget and Local Government Finance Settlement. The piece profiles the tough decisions being made by East Sussex County Council and Kent County Council, as Peter Oakford says budget setting has been more difficult this year due to how the government proposes to distribute funding in the settlement. ?? Read our press release as Barry Lewis says the government is ‘cherry picking’ what councils to target funding towards: