Sons of Christendom would be wise to scrutinize the parents of team captains. Sons of Christendom would be wise to scrutinize the parents of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Brownies. Sons of Christendom would be wise to murder Girl Scouts and Brownies. Sons of Christendom would be wise to murder male cheerleaders. Sons of Christendom would be wise to destroy confessionals. Sons of Christendom would be wise to forgo taxes next year. #faith #endtime #Armageddon #apocalypse #scripture
Chi Rho Consulting的动态
1) What is the list of the world’s TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges from Climate Change to Climate Finance, ESG, Skill Gaps, FRAUD, Corruption, Mismanagement, Toxic Culture, Cybersecurity Threat, Global Markets and Financial Systems in 2024? 2) What is Policy? Do POLICIES matter? What is the major impact of AI on Policy design, formulation and implementation? 3) Does Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) have the potential to prevent FRAUD and help organizations SAVE tens of millions, billions, and even trillions of dollars? My Global Leadership and Executive Career Success: One of the BEST lessons that I learned from my MOM and DAD as two highly successful business leaders, executives and entrepreneurs: We have executed the "People-first and Skills-first" Strategic Operational Approach. As a result, we gained the business edge and sustain a competitive advantage. On this Father’s Day, I am proudly celebrating the strength of fathers with my family. Happy Fathers' Day on Sunday, June 16, 2024. I am thankful to my DAD and MOM as my leadership role models. And I am grateful for their character, core ethical values, integrity, and high professional standards as two highly successful business leaders, executives and entrepreneurs. 1) How to design an organizational model, corporate Humna-centric Culture of Trust and Hierarchical structure to drive digital transformation, unlock human potential, enhance organizational effectiveness, increase efficiency and unleash productivity? 2) What are the different TYPES of Leadership Styles in the digital age of change and disruptive era of cutting-edge science, data engineering and emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), RPA and Machine Learning? 3) Is Technology a Game-changer? Do METRICS matter? How to assess organizational readiness, preparedness and effectiveness? 4) What is the C-suite? About the fiduciary duty of the board of directors? How to be a millionaire and a billionaire? Is there a lesson learned from the TOP 10 richest billionaires, highly successful business executives, leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators with a Net Worth of $100 billion? I am thankful to my DAD and MOM as my Leadership Role Models as two successful business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives. As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I motivate, inspire, mentor and coach. How to turn vision into BOLD action? C-suite executives, experts and business leaders can work together to address global challenges, foster international cooperation, and build a more peaceful and prosperous future for all generations. Is technology a Game-changer? By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly and ethically, I become more efficient and a strategic data-driven global servant, transformational and inspirational leader. Indeed, I am making a positive, lasting, meaningful and impact difference.
Extending warm ?? #HappyFathersDay ?? wishes to all the extraordinary dads and dads-to-be out there! Today is your day, and we honor the ceaseless love, sacrifices, and support you shower upon your families. You are valued, today and every day! ?? #FathersDay #fatherhood #KPMGGlobalServices #KGS
Today, honor the unsung heroes in our lives - our amazing parents! Their love, sacrifices, and guidance shape us into who we are. #GlobalDayofParents #Gratitude #SolitaireglobalSchools #BestSchoolinHyderbad #SestSchoolNearMe #InternationalSchools #BestSchools2023 #CambridgeCurriculum
So important to pass on to the next generation.
Some things in life are just a given. Every year I buy a poppy, Every year I pay my respects, Every year I remember, Every year I talk to my children about the sacrifices made so they can live a free life, Every year. #wewillremember #remembrance Royal British Legion
Vagabonds devolve into mold, Malcontents devolve into mold. Misanthropes devolve into mildews, Concubines devolve into amoeba. Lesbians devolve into spores. #faith #endtime #endtimes #Armageddon #apocalypse #scripture
If you don't have any money, you don't need any honey????? Pastor Orr gave us the best advice on how to have royal standards in a relationship. Check out the sermon "The Royalty Standard For Relationships," on YouTube at Brown Missionary Baptist Church. #bmbc #PastorOrr #brownbaptist #sermon #church #reels #explorepage
Today, we remember and honor the brave souls who gave their lives for our freedom. We are forever indebted to their sacrifice. May their courage and dedication never be forgotten. #MemorialDay #HonorAndRemember #everythingprobate #estateplanning #whatif #lastwillandtestament #beprepared #texaslawyers #guardianship #probateattorney #estateplanningattorney #texas #powerofattorney #wecanhelp #estateplanninglawyer #boardcertified #probate #medicalpowerofattorney #buildyourlegacy #yourfamilylegacy
LEA's LEAven blog, The Value of Lutheran Education by Denise Rice, talks about the importance of hearing the Gospel message and learning the Christian faith. You can read it at #lea #LEAven #deniserice
The Faith Debate did an in-studio recording session to discuss the roles of undershepherds in Christ's church. Section 1- Are preaching and administering ordinances (like the Lord's Supper and baptism) reserved for only pastors to perform? Section 2- Should pastors officiate wedding ceremonies? Section 3- Can only currently married men serve as pastors? Can men who were divorced prior to being regenerate be ordained? Section 4- Can women be "pastors" in either function or title? Should women even speak in church? Can they lead or be "up front" during praise/worship singing? Section 5- General remarks about divorce and remarriage. Also, how important is the "tone" that pastors use? #FaithDebate #HouseholdofFaithinChrist #Pastoring #EldersAndBishops #UndershepherdsOfJesus #930WFMD #FrederickMaryland #OverseersAndOrdinances #WeddingCeremonies #MarriageAndDivorce
232: Pastors Elders Overseers (08-27-24)
In Canada and the rest of the British Commonwealth, Remembrance services are accorded the dignity and solemnity of a religious funeral service, paying tribute to the lives sacrificed for freedom. It's fair to say that the millions of dead soldiers, sailors, aviators, and others, would not want their services co-opted by the socio-cultural-political opinions and appetites of others, however well intentioned (I question that). Showing up at a Remembrance service means you are there to pay respects to the war dead, in accordance with the rituals, traditions, and symbols of the military organizations they were a part of, and of the country they died serving. If you aren't there for that, I don't really think it's the right place for you. Perhaps you should have your own 'service' somewhere else. Because this revisionist, progressive, woke shit isn't welcome at ours. If I wanted to show up at a cultural event or religious service, especially a funeral, of a person from a different faith or cultural background than me, and I decided to take the pulpit and start spouting off about ideas utterly irrelevant to the nature of the event, and at a contretemps with everything that the event was about....would I have that right? No? So they don't have the moral right to do that to our event. In fact, I don't think they came to honour the war dead and vets at all. I think they came to cause shit because they like it. Nothing more. The left has no problem banning uniformed military personnel and cops from schools. They don't want police patrolling the Gay Pride parades. Etc., etc. But apparently we can't ban them from our cultural events and spaces. Why is that? High time the Western democracies have a discussion about what we are tolerating, and why. The barbarians are inside the gates, folks. Side note; Professor Jonathan Vance says that nobody remembers Trafalgar Day two centuries later. I beg to differ. While the civilian world doesn't remember what they had for breakfast this morning, the current, former and future warriors of the army, navy, air force, marines, etc., remember and honour the victories (and defeats) of the past, and pay homage to them. Traditions, rituals, symbols, and even myths are essential to the morale of the military, and it's highly motivated units that win wars. YMMV. For those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not understand, no explanation is possible. #Canadaisbroken #woke #Remembrance #veteran #army #navy #airforce #marines #SOF #merchantnavy #progressive #disrespect #warmemorial #tradition #honour
Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of YOU- Psalm 55:22 #JVF7DayNetworkingChallenge,#DAY3 #JVFNetworking, #JobSeekersJourney, #NetworkingForSuccess, #GodCares #LinkedInNetworking,#JobSeekerSupport, #ProfessionalConnections