#throwbackthursday, although this video was recorded on Tuesday, Feb 18th. That was a day I resigned from a job making the most I've ever made in a job. I was the only income for a family of seven; my husband is a stay-at-home dad. I didn't have 3-6 months saved before I left, and living in the Bay Area, I ignored all of the articles that said I should wait until I have another job lined up before resigning. I remember telling my husband; we might have 2 months before we need to start selling or preparing for the worst. Then, two weeks later, the Country was locked down due to COVID. My mom said God was protecting me from something. I cried so much after I resigned. Tears of fear for the "irrational" decision to leave a place that was financially covering our family's needs. Tears of hurt from everything I endured from the work environment. My higher self knows something was better, and it was right. Leaving a place covering your basic survival needs is never comfortable, and there is never the right time. Stepping into the unknown is never fun and often scary. But on the other side of comfort and scary are all the things you are meant to have in life. May this story and video be an inspiration to you. ???? Charisse Fontes Michael Becker Travis Smith
Girl, you are not alone! Let's make this world a better place. I'm with you!
Charisse Fontes you are beaming with excitement and pride in this video, which makes the beauty of this moment so amazing! Thank you for sharing your story and giving hope to anyone watching! It takes a lot of courage to decide to leave what had been comfortable; I too share your emotions by deciding to change my career path, even in such an uncertain time, to one where my value and purpose will shine. The feeling is worth it!!
You are a true inspiration Charisse. What foresight to record this moment. So glad you did. ??
Great message, Charisse. I did that too, left a job I'd had for over a decade but when new leadership entered the picture, the work environment became toxic and I felt to stay would undermine my professional reputation. So grateful that friends and colleagues sent consulting work my way to help out in the interim, and for over 5 years now I've had a job in an unforeseen area that values and leverages my experience. Be true to yourself and find a workplace that values and respects you! You are worth it!!!
Charisse Fontes, thank you for posting this video. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to do it. Thank you for letting everyone know that you don't have to tolerate your life you can live your life!
There are two other things that I'd like to share: 1. Never believe that where you are is where you will always be. God is always waiting for you to respond in faith. 2. Toxic environments kill. They kill your spirit, your confidence, your joy, your peace, your passion, your purpose, your humanity.
Had I not left, Humanity Power? would have never been born. I would not be working with the amazing Partners and their people on #culture and #inclusion.
My biggest fear is that we had grown accustomed and comfortable to the salary, and my low-vibe self kept saying, "you'll never make that much again."
Here is the in case of failure letter I read after I resigned: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/case-failure-do-charisse-fontes
Helping women leaders in Fortune 500 live a life that exceeds their professional achievements through mindset coaching.
4 年This is such a valuable experience to share Charisse. It exposes the myth that a paycheck is more important than our self respect. Women repeatedly tell me they "can't afford" to leave jobs where they repeatedly tolerate unprofessional behavior. Hostile work environments + management bullies thrive because employees fear the discomfort of the unknown. When you have your own back you will always come out ahead. #womenwhoinspire #believebetter