One of my favorite work humans is growing into?his next role which means I won’t get?to see him?as much. ? While we have only really been working?together the past two years or so, Trevor?has left such?a?lasting impression on my professional experience?and my definition of what?a?leader?acts like. I think our first few conversations were simple proclamations of how challenging it can be?to?be an introvert in?advertising. In?an industry designed?to?grab?attention, it can be hard?to?command?a?room, build?authority?and captivate?an?audience of professionals when you really don't like the spotlight. We bonded over social-overload?at times,?and I immediately?appreciated how honest he was?about his experiences. Many of the leaders in my career?to?date have lead?authoritatively, rarely taking?a?moment?to?talk human-to-human. But?Trevor?is far from one of them. Not because he couldn’t lead from?a?position of?authority, he?absolutely is the expert in the room, but because he wants?to?lead from?a?position of?approachability. He has this knack for showing respect. Never, NOT ONCE, making you feel dumb/inexperienced/uneducated. I still remember our first new business pitch?together, he was the only leader in the room who paused the meeting just?to?make sure none of the quieter folks had?anything that they wanted?to?address,?again creating space for those who?are often less heard.?And when someone mentions?an?approach that isn’t quite right, he encourages the dialogue while educating on what instead might be?a?better?approach or?asking?a?series of questions?to?help the team get there themselves.? ? I could continue but I fear I would embarrass him with more effusive praise, so I will leave things?at this: ? To?the new humans that?are inheriting?Trevor?as their leader, please know you?are incredibly fortunate?to?add him?to your team. And to Mr. Monteiro - thank you for your unwavering leadership and friendship the past few years.
??A Tribute to Trevor Monteiro's Leadership?? In our industry’s forest of fake plastic leaders, Trevor stands tall as a genuine one. He embodies true leadership – the kind we all wish for but seldom find. With a team-first mindset and a power-with style, Trevor has not only led but inspired. TRG is undeniably a better agency because of him, and I am deeply grateful for the past 3.5 years working alongside him. As Trevor approaches his final week at TRG, I’ve reflected on how best to honor his incredible contributions. A group thank-you card might capture some of the sentiment, but it would fall short of reaching the hundreds of employees and coworkers Trevor has influenced during his time here. This post has one simple goal: to reach every single person on LinkedIn who has been inspired by Trevor during his journey with TRG, past and present, and to show our collective appreciation. Please join me in paying tribute to Trevor by sharing a moment when his leadership made an impact on you.