Adult Education Instructor – Part-time – Clearfield Curriculum and Innovation Educational Consultant MTSS Behavior – 12 month position Preschool EI Preschool Early Intervention Supervisor – 12 month position Special Education Preschool Teacher – Centre County Itinerant Speech Therapist (1) – Full-time – Clinton County Itinerant Speech Therapist (1) – Full-time – Centre and Clinton Counties Special Ed/Non Pub Student Services Social Worker – Full-time (2024-2025) – School Age Students Social Worker – Part time – School Age Students Interpreter/Communication Facilitator – Full-time - School Age Students All Departments Substitutes - Teachers - Assistants - Aides Interested applicants will find online applications on the Central Intermediate Unit 10 website at . Questions can be addressed by calling HR at 814.422.4143. Candidates will be required to submit Act 34, 151, and 114 clearances as part of the application process. EOE
Central Intermediate Unit 10的动态
signed to meet the needs of students with special educational needs, while regular schools educate a diverse range of students. Special schools may have different curriculum, teaching methods, and infrastructure. Curriculum Special schools: Have a customized curriculum that's tailored to each student's needs Regular schools: Have a broad general education curriculum that's taught to all students in a common classroom Teaching methods Special schools: Use different instructional methods and may involve additional specialists Regular schools: Use general education teaching methods in a common classroom environment Infrastructure Special schools: May have inclusive facilities and be adapted to suit the needs of students with disabilities Regular schools: May not be adapted to suit the needs of students with disabilities Staffing Special schools: May have specialized professionals, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists Regular schools: May have regular classroom teachers Support Special schools: May have aides to support students with disabilities Families may choose special schools for their children if they're concerned that their children might face prejudice or not receive proper support.#RaiseAgainstAutism #PinnacleSaysItAll #PinnacleBloomsNetwork #1AutismTherapyCentresNetwork
Reasons to Consider a Bilingual Preschool for Your Child Here are three reasons why a bilingual preschool can benefit your child ?? #duallanguage #newlanguage
"Special education in NYC public schools is 'broken'" should?be the title of a long series of stories about what's not working in NYC special education. The messy truth is that it’s not just the special education programs that are broken. Equally dysfunctional are: ? university programs poorly preparing?teachers to teach kids to learn ? unions scratching the surface of what teachers need to be & feel successful ? school leaders following or taking cover, because it’s safer than leading ? mayors & chancellors playing a politicized game of musical chairs with special ed. priorities every four years ? parents expecting special ed. to provide all the answers & to “fix” their kids Then there's what lives at the beating heart of special ed.: the students. Ask them what’s broken in their classrooms. That’s the real story.
Hi friends I am going to discuss some challenges faced by the preschool sector in rural and suburban areas like 1. Limited infrastructure: Scarce resources hinder the establishment of adequate preschool facilities. Schools often lack educational toys and learning aids, and there's a lack of knowledge on how to develop such materials with minimal investment. 2. Accessibility to quality educational materials: Insufficient support constrains the development and maintenance of quality preschool programs. Comprehensive academic materials are crucial for preschool success, yet there's a scarcity of resources covering holistic child development. 3. Trained teachers: The lack of trained educators results in substandard preschool education. Proper teacher training is essential for effective teaching. 4. Language barriers: Diverse linguistic backgrounds among students and educators create communication challenges. Preschool education should be bilingual, utilizing both the regional language and English to facilitate better comprehension and adaptation for children. 5. Limited parental involvement: Socio-cultural factors and economic constraints often hinder parental engagement in preschool activities and decision-making processes. Teachers should employ effective techniques to encourage parental involvement in their child’s educational journey. If you are facing any of these challenges do contact us at 9142381324- school Patron Looking forward to your output on this topic.
Since establishing ECE STEP in 2018, Kai Ming has been helping nurture the future of ECE! We'd like to give a huge thanks to not only the STEP subs, who work diligently towards their dreams, but also to the STEP partner agencies who contribute to the professional development of these aspiring teachers. If you're interested in becoming a STEP partner agency or sub, definitely check ECE STEP out! #substituteteacher #substituteteaching #teachingjobs
Our STEP subs don't just supervise children—they provide high quality interactions throughout the day. On this day at Kai Ming Head Start's Rainbow Center, our sub Kristy engages children in rich conversation while supporting in family style mealtime. We provide our partner agencies with passionate subs who work hard and adhere to the program guidelines. And in turn, we provide subs the support and opportunities to grow into high quality ECE teachers. #ECESTEP #eceteacher #earlychildhoodeducators #substituteteacher #hiringteachers #teachingjobs #ecetraining #professionaldevelopment
Nearly 100 South Australian preschool teachers will be made permanent from 2025 – more than in the past 10 years combined – as part of a commitment by the SA Government to improve employment security across all spheres of teaching in the state.
One-in-three teachers say they have no behaviour support team for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), while one-in-four have no educational psychologist or speech and language therapist to help them, according to a survey by the National Education Union (NEU). The online poll, which attracted responses from 8,000 members of the NEU, indicated that seven-in-eight teachers feel resources are insufficient to meet growing demand, with three-quarters calling for more learning support assistants in classrooms. #ReedEducation #education #teachersupport #SEND #support
One in three teachers have no behaviour support for pupils with additional needs, poll finds
"Your School’s Path to Recognition! ?? Gain recognition with: ? Enhanced visibility ? Benchmarked standards ? Increased parental trust Step into the spotlight with Preschool Council Accreditation!" #SchoolAccreditation #PreschoolRecognition #QualityEducation #ParentalTrust #EducationalStandards #SchoolExcellence #PreschoolCouncil #BetterEducation #AccreditedAndTrusted