?? Join us for an important conversation about what happens AFTER community ownership projects close their deals. While acquiring property is a milestone, the real work of community stewardship happens in the following years. On February 14th, we're bringing together practitioners and experts to discuss: Effective community decision-making processes Navigation of growth challenges Property management insights Building lasting infrastructure This session is part of the Pathways to Community Ownership series, an initiative of the National Equitable Recovery Alliance working toward anti-racist community development. ??? Friday, February 14th ? 10 AM - 12 PM MST ?? Virtual Event Register now: https://buff.ly/42yKH8C #CommunityOwnership #EconomicJustice #CommunityDevelopment @Inclusive Action for the City @Esperanza Community Housing Corporation @Neighborhood Development Collaborative --- ?? únase a una conversación importante sobre qué sucede DESPUéS del cierre de proyectos de propiedad comunitaria. Aunque adquirir una propiedad es un hito, el verdadero trabajo de administración comunitaria ocurre en los a?os siguientes. El 14 de febrero, reuniremos a profesionales y expertos para discutir: Procesos efectivos de toma de decisiones comunitarias Navegación de desafíos de crecimiento Conocimientos sobre administración de propiedades Construcción de infraestructura duradera Esta sesión es parte de la serie Caminos hacia la Propiedad Comunitaria. ??? Viernes, 14 de febrero ? 10 AM - 12 PM MST ?? Evento Virtual Regístrese ahora:
Center for Community Wealth Building的动态
At Landcom, we understand that community engagement and transparency are fundamental to successful development. That’s why we have consulted with residents in Edmondson Park South West Sydney and Mullumbimby Northern Rivers, to gather valuable feedback on our new 100% affordable housing projects. These initiatives are part of our broader goal to create 1,800 affordable homes by 2029, in partnership with the community housing sector. ? We know that affordable housing can sometimes be misunderstood, leading to community concerns. We believe that proactive, transparent engagement is key to overcoming these misconceptions. By fostering open dialogue, we aim to build trust, understand issues, and shape our development plans to align with community needs. ? Through authentic community engagement, we aim to inform, involve, and empower residents, fostering neighbourhoods that are not only affordable but also vibrant and sustainable. Learn more about Affordable Housing:?https://lnkd.in/gCnzUSpf Learn more about Community Engagement:?https://lnkd.in/gatbnnRH ? #AffordableHousing #NSWHousing #CommunityEngagement #SustainableCommunities ?
?Más vivienda, más comunidad! Enhorabuena a iniciativas de base comunitaria que facilitan el empoderamiento social y la organización de propiedad colectiva al margen del mercado. Hastings Commons, un ejemplo audaz e inspirador de lo que sucede cuando una comunidad se hace cargo de su propio futuro, ha ganado el prestigioso Premio Mundial del Hábitat de Oro 2025 en asociación con ONU-Hábitat World Habitat , UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) En lugar de depender de los promotores tradicionales o de las autoridades locales, #HastingsCommons devuelve la vida a edificios en desuso como viviendas, espacios de trabajo y centros sociales. Siempre asequibles, los espacios regenerados son un salvavidas para una comunidad a merced de los promotores con ánimo de lucro y de aquellos que anteriormente estaban atrapados en una espiral descendente de viviendas inseguras. En la última década, las organizaciones comunitarias que están detrás de Hastings Commons han transformado 8.500 metros cuadrados de espacio abandonado. Sus esfuerzos han tenido un impacto positivo en 6.400 personas, construyendo no solo #viviendas, sino una #comunidad más conectada y empoderada. El modelo sin fines de lucro prioriza la #sostenibilidad a largo plazo y la #propiedadcomunitaria permanente de la tierra, accesible a todos los residentes de la ciudad. El enfoque de Commons involucra y alienta a los residentes a tomar el control y dar forma a su vecindario, de modo que satisfaga sus necesidades y aumente su conexión y orgullo por el lugar donde viven. Después de diez a?os de allanar el camino hacia un futuro más brillante e inclusivo, Hastings Commons recién está comenzando. Planean asegurar flujos de ingresos a largo plazo para hacer crecer y proteger los bienes comunes para las generaciones futuras.
?? A pioneering project from Hastings that heralds a new dawn for community driven housing has won a prestigious 2025 Gold #WorldHabitatAwards in partnership with UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme). Instead of relying on traditional developers or the local authority, Hastings Commons brings unused buildings back to life as homes, workspaces, and social hubs and is a bold and inspiring example of what happens when a community takes charge of its own future. Read more?? https://lnkd.in/e_KFFcbh Dr Jess Steele, OBE Gini Simpson Abigail Stoltzfus European Community Land Trust Network Pasha Milburn Stuart Stone Heather Collins Do Good PR New Local
Es necesario algo así, pero para LATAM. No estamos en el mismo entorno físico, social, cultural, político, económico... para seguir una guía la cual se centro en su investigación de diagnóstico en Canadá y USA. Ojo, no estoy desprestigiando este gran documento que esta por su 3era edición, más bien lo he investigado y usado tanto como consulta. Sin embargo, considerando el contexto Mexicano y Latinoamericano... la Latín American City Transportation??? quizá? o un National por país? o zonas?
Coming this fall: the Third Edition of the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide! ?? A group of over 150 individuals employed at more than 60 municipalities and transit agencies in the United States and Canada participated in the development of this guide. We’ll include information on the planning, project development, and community engagement strategies that are most likely to result in successful projects.
The City of Redding is currently applying for a Pro Housing Designation from the State of California. Working with the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), a Pro Housing Designation represents Redding’s commitment to removing obstacles to new housing to address the housing shortage and affordability crisis. Cities and counties that are compliant with California’s Housing Element law and have applied for and been awarded the Pro Housing Designation are eligible for preferential incentives when applying for HCD grant funds associated with affordable housing programs and development. To encourage public input, an informative public meeting will be held at Redding City Hall’s Enterprise Park Room on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. A public hearing will be held at the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 10th at 4:00 pm, and public comments on the Pro Housing Designation Application will be accepted. You can read more about HCD’s Pro Housing Designation and view the City of Redding’s Housing and Community Development webpage at https://lnkd.in/gdN6H8Ms To submit questions, please reach out to Chad Neilson at [email protected] #CityOfRedding #ProHousing #Housing #PublicMeeting #Input
Una gran oportuniad de financiamiento para los municipios de nuestro país en un entorno de finanzas públicas muy complejo.
???PSA:?Calling cities in Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.!? ? Want safer streets and vibrant public spaces? Our #AsphaltArt Initiative helps cities around the world use art and community engagement to improve street safety and revitalize public space. ? Learn more and apply for our new round of grants of up to $100,000 by January 31:?https://lnkd.in/ddnXquE
Want safer streets and vibrant public spaces? Our hashtag#AsphaltArt Initiative helps cities around the world use art and community engagement to improve street safety and revitalize public space.
So excited to share this! How does Abt Global impact real communities? This is a perfect example. The Wyoming Community Development Authority knew they had a problem. A problem that communities in every state are facing - a lack of accessible housing. They knew they needed a plan, one that was guided by science and research, done by a firm they could trust. So it's not a surprise that they chose us at Abt Global. The plan will be finalized in about a month. For now, this is a great article to read about what we learned about Wyoming's housing crisis. #AbtGlobal #Housing #Wyoming #PublicPolicy #HousingPolicy
At NAR Advocacy Week, this morning’s “Let’s Talk Local: The Successes” panel spotlighted how GADs are tackling key issues like housing inventory, vacation rentals, and community development through REALTOR Party grants to make an impact. Thanks to continued leadership support, MIBOR has secured $97,400 in NAR grants for a wide variety of projects across our service area. This is in addition to local funds we have invested via the MIBOR Community Impact Initiative.
This morning’s “Let’s Talk Local: The Successes” panel spotlighted how associations are tackling key issues like housing inventory, vacation rentals, and community development through REALTOR? Party grants to make an impact. Moderated by Zeke Morris, REALTOR? Party Director, the panel featured Alissa Dailey (Utah Association of REALTORS?), Genessa Casanova (Florida REALTORS?), Erin B. Hervey (Missouri REALTORS?), and Lacey Everett (MIBOR REALTOR? Association), who shared their insights and successes. Whether it’s building stronger relationships with elected officials, addressing housing inventory challenges, or navigating vacation rental policies, this session highlighted the power of collaboration and the resources available to REALTOR? associations. (Photo credit: Christine Windle) NAR REALTOR? Party
Quieres saber como personas como tu #emigran a #canadá todo los dias? Este es un claro ejemplo de como tu lo puedes lograr tambien. #canadianimmigration #migracioncanada #emigracanada
Immigrants help create more resilient and caring communities. Mark Saldanha, an immigrant in Halifax, helps people experiencing homelessness by providing resources and assistance through his organization, Greater Love. Read his story: https://bit.ly/49iZmG4 #ImmigrationMatters
Crisi climàtica, habitatge, i densitat. Els grans reptes de les ciutats. Anacláudia Rossbach , assumeix la Direcció Executiva de UN-Habitat, i destaca la importància del planejament urbà i l'ordenació del territori, com a elements clau per combatre els grans desafiaments globals: el canvi climàtic i l'habitatge. La implementació de la Agenda Urbana i l'acompliment del ODS 11 a nivell global són els seus grans reptes, i destaca - en un contexte on més de la meitat de la població vivim a les ciutats ( 54%) i és un tendència que va a més, doncs s'espera que al 2050 sigui gairebé del 70% - que és fonamental escoltar i comptar amb els joves i entendre quina és la seva relació amb les ciutats, i com l'habiten. A Catalunya, segons les dades de l'Institut Nacional d'Estadística, vem tancar l'any 2023 amb una població de gairebé 8 milions ( 7.909.125 habitants ) , dels quals, també gairebé la meitat, es concentren en 15 ciutats ( Barcelona, Hospitalet, Badalona, Terrassa, Sabadell, Lleida, Tarragona, Mataró, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Reus, Girona, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Cornellà de Llobregat, Sant Boi de Llobregat i Rubí ). El preu de la vivenda de segona mà, també segueix en al?a, i en aquest primer semestre de 2024, es registren més increments a les províncies de Girona, Lleida i Tarragona ( al voltant del 9 - 10%), que a Barcelona ( al voltant del 0,9 %). Aquest és un factor important, atès que la capacitat de les ciutats per créixer i crear nous habitatges és limitada, i per tant haurem de posar els esfor?os en rehabilitar, regenerar, adaptar al clima, als nous usos, etc, el parc d'habitatges existent i que tingui un preu assequible, pels joves i no tan joves, per tots aquells qui viuen i viuran a Catalunya. #urbanisme #territori #habitatge #arquitectura #clima #rehabilitar #regeneracióurbana
Anaclaudia Rossbach, the Executive Director of UN-Habitat, brings a wealth of experience in urban policies and social housing, honed through decades of impactful work in Brazil and on the international stage. With over 20 years of dedication to social and housing issues, her journey from consulting to the public sector has been marked by a deep commitment to transforming communities. As she steps into her role at UN-Habitat, Rossbach underscores the pivotal role of urban planning in addressing some of today’s most pressing global challenges, including the #housing crisis and #climatechange. She is particularly passionate about the vital contributions that young people can make in creating more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable cities. Learn about her journey and vision for UN-Habitat: https://loom.ly/m0lHWvw
Learn about the transformative effects of Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grants on community development with our latest guide, "OSLAD Grants: Securing Funding and Transforming Community Spaces." The OSLAD program, managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), provides crucial funding for enhancing public outdoor recreation areas. This funding empowers local governments to create and revitalize spaces that foster community interaction, recreation, and environmental responsibility. At GHA, our team provides customized guidance to ensure each project aligns with IDNR requirements, enhancing the likelihood of funding approval and successful implementation. Discover how GHA's expertise in OSLAD grants can enhance your community's recreational spaces. Read the full guide to learn about our successful projects and the benefits of partnering with us. https://ow.ly/s11F50SicA7 #CommunityDevelopment #OSLADGrants #GHATeam #PublicRecreation #EnvironmentalSustainability