There's a new report from Chapin Hall about establishing community pathways for preventative services. The goal of the new policy brief is to define community pathways in the Family First context, outline implementation requirements, highlight potential opportunities and tensions and offer recommendations for jurisdictions interested in pursuing this strategy. #ChildWelfare #FamiliyPreservation #PreventativeServices #FamilyFirst #FFPSA
Casey Family Programs的动态
There is momentum in #ChildWelfare and other public systems to address families’ needs to buffer against life challenges. But no one system can effectively make this change alone. That’s why we need an integrated and holistic approach to supporting families across multiple systems. Explore our multi-system policy framework for family and #ChildWellbeing, which provides practical steps and a vision forward: Doris Duke Foundation
What are we calling for? The Scottish Government can ensure that everyone has access to an adequate income by taking the steps needed to deliver a Minimum Income Guarantee. ?? How do we get there? Initial steps to deliver a Minimum Income Guarantee should include action to: ? Implement an Essentials Guarantee; ? Increase the Scottish Child Payment to £40 per week; ? Increase the funded childcare entitlement and ensure greater flexibility in the delivery of pre-existing entitlements; ? Prioritise the pre-existing commitment to model a Minimum Income Guarantee for unpaid carers; ? Maximise incomes through full coverage access to advice services, and collective working between the Scottish Government, UK Government and local authorities to automate social security support to increase uptake and reduce stigma; and ? Ensure that any changes to our social security systems through the Work Capability Assessment continue to support disabled people on a day-today basis so that they can fully realise their rights to independent living and equal participation in society. #ChallengePoverty #CPW24
Our discussions with Public Sector clients, and the ongoing and deepening financial pressures across all aspects of Authorities' balance sheets has led to us broadening our funding solutions to include Looked After Children and housing placements. Please see the article below for further details. Birketts LLP, Neil Logan Green, Sara Sayer, Ruth Neave #PublicSector #LookedAfterChildren #LAC #LocalAuthority #FosterCare #LocalGovernment
A solution to the growing cost of caring for Looked After Children in England
Join in! This is terrific. Learning so, so much. Concrete supports — and the success that comes with providing them — just discussed. Clare Anderson, MSW is about to speak as part of a panel on concrete supports and more. Inspiring ways to fight generational poverty!
You don't want to miss this! Join the White House Convening on #ChildWelfare Transformation virtually on Tuesday, July 30th. This gathering will highlight Biden-Harris policy priorities that help families stay together safely with supports, and reshape #FosterCare to best serve children. Chapin Hall's Executive Director Bryan Samuels will be giving a talk on supporting families and Senior Policy Fellow Clare Anderson, MSW will moderate a panel on economic and concrete supports. Use this link to join:
Today June 9th is National Children’s Day in the United States of America. Although the historical meaning of National Children’s Day is complex, the main purpose of this day is to acknowledge and consider the needs of ALL children. But most importantly to advocate for the rights of children most in need of assistance and upliftance; their rights including but not limited to health, welfare, and education. As with every nation…children’s rights can improve. America is not excluded from this achievement. But the first step to achieving this goal is by telling EVERYONE about children’s rights – as suggested in Article #42 in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Another plausible step would be to ratify the CRC in America. Not to say that a ratification would immediately change societal aspects. However, it is a step in the right direction to ensuring the rights of children are acknowledged, considered, uplifted, and advocated for. “The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.” – Nelson Mandela “Children, after all, are not just adults-in-the-making. They are people whose current needs and rights and experiences must be taken seriously.” – Alfie Kohn “There is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free from fear and want and that they can grow up in peace.” – Kofi Annan #NationalChildrensDay #ChildrensRights #ConventionontheRightsoftheChild #Article42 #LiveLearnandExplore
The CWCC initiative mobilizes communities to develop and evaluate collaboratives that address local barriers and provide services to prevent child abuse and neglect. Learn more in this new brief from our research partners Abt Global and Child Trends that explores the approaches to collaborative partnership taken by grantees and shares the factors that were key to building and maintaining them. #ChildWelfare #Partnerships
The CWCC initiative mobilizes communities to develop and evaluate collaboratives that address local barriers and provide services to prevent child abuse and neglect. Learn more in this new brief from our research partners Abt Global and Child Trends that explores the approaches to collaborative partnership taken by grantees and shares the factors that were key to building and maintaining them. #ChildWelfare #Partnerships
This is so important - read it - and then lets act.
Good stuff from Polly Curtis in her Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) essay. Prevention needs to be about more than just redesigning public services - "we need a unifying narrative around community, respect and solidarity that gives us a common mission to come together as a country, to support our neighbours, and to connect again"
Our welfare state should prevent problems, not just solve them
I wish there was a flashing emoji with a loud alarm so I could support this even louder! Yes we need a poverty prevention benefit system, yes we need to fund interventions early, fund community centres etc.. all of that! For me though the important message here is ‘community democracy’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches. Engage, Enable, Empower. It’s the only sustainable and most impactful way to support communities. They know what they need and are often best placed to deliver the solutions. Sometimes the best thing authorities can do is to offer advice, support then move out of the way
Good stuff from Polly Curtis in her Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) essay. Prevention needs to be about more than just redesigning public services - "we need a unifying narrative around community, respect and solidarity that gives us a common mission to come together as a country, to support our neighbours, and to connect again"
Our welfare state should prevent problems, not just solve them
??Rumours abound that next week will be manifesto week. Conservative, Labour and the Liberal Democrats are all due to publish their vision for the country. ??Family Rights Group works cross-party to put child welfare and kinship care in the rooms where it matters. We’ve presented proposals to all the main political parties and support families to share their views and experiences. ??Election manifestos are often light on policy detail, but they set out an important direction of travel. For example, in the last general election, there was a commitment to a review into the children’s social care crisis and we helped secure important recognition for kinship care. ?Now we’ve had the review. We want to see the 2024 manifestos commit to investment and reform. We need to see an ambitious plan to tackle the crisis in children’s social care, to invest in kinship care for children who cannot remain at home, and support for positive, loving relationships for children in care and care leavers.
Thank you for elevating this new resource, Casey Family Programs!