Thanks to a generous outpouring of public support, we raised nearly 10% of our goal in a single day, but unfortunately we’re not out of the woods yet! Between our Go Fund Me and private donations and pledges, we are currently sitting at around $140,000—which is no small feat in less than a week! However, we are still fighting to reach our initial goal of $350,000 by tomorrow, August 1st in order to not only move forward with our 50th Anniversary production of As You Like It, but also to ensure that our staff are secure for the rest of the season. We cannot thank you enough for answering to our call for aid at this time, and we must continue to ask as we get down to the wire to determine whether this production can move forward. If you have given, thank you. If you can give, thank you. If you cannot give but can share, thank you. As the Duke Senior says in Act 2, Scene 7: “Thou seest we are not all alone unhappy. / This wide and universal theater / Presents more woeful pageants than the scene / Wherein we play in.” We are not the first theater to have struggled, nor shall we be the last, but with our community to rally behind us, we believe we can continue forward. Help us close the gap: ? ? ? #CalShakes #Shakespeare #CalShakesAYLI #AsYouLikeIt #AtTheBruns #CalShakes50 #Zendaya #colemandomingo #annettebening #ArtsEducation #contracostacounty #alamedacounty #easybay #SF #calshakescritters
California Shakespeare Theater的动态
Did you know that your heartfelt donations to Smiles for the Kids, when given in USD, are fully tax-deductible within the United States? We warmly invite you to become a part of our mission today, and contribute a tax-deductible donation that will infuse joy and hope into the lives of families deeply impacted by the ongoing conflict in Israel. Together, we can spark a ripple of change and extend our support to those who need it the most. ?????? Let's unite in this cause, let's create a significant impact. For more details on how to make a tax-deductible donation, kindly refer to the first comment. #SupportIsrael #InspireChange #TaxDeductibleDonation #SmilesForTheKids
"HELP US PUT A ROOF OVER OUR HEADS! Our house desperately needs a new roof, but we can't afford it. We're counting on your kindness to help us provide a safe and secure home for our children. Please donate and share this video with your friends and family to help us spread the word! #RoofForOurHome #HelpUsRebuild #SafeHaven #DonateNow #HomeSweetHome #TikTokForGood #CharityWork"
On this blessed Jumma, let’s fill our day with good deeds pray, forgive, give charity, and spread kindness. Every small act brings us closer to Allah's mercy. #JummahMubarak #gooddeeds #blessedfriday #FaithInAction #connectsmarketing #conxmark #digitalmarketing
For World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, here are some startling #trends about #humantrafficking and #moderslavery in the UK from today's webinar with Unseen UK's Frontline and Helpline teams. ???CURRENT TRENDS IN TRAFFICKING??? ? Unseen has reported a significant increase in the exploitation of #underageyouth across the U.K. Latest data shows a troubling rise in various forms of exploitation, including #domesticservitude, #criminalexploitation, and #sexualexploitation. Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline: The helpline saw a 19% increase in calls in 2023, with a total of 11,700 calls compared to 9,779 in 2022. This surge reflects a higher number of identified potential victims, particularly among underage individuals (Unseen). County Lines Exploitation: A significant number of children are being exploited through county lines operations, where criminal gangs use minors to transport and sell drugs. Unseen's #LikesToLines campaign highlights that at least 27,000 children are believed to be involved in county lines across the UK (Unseen). Forms of Exploitation: There has been a notable increase in cases of child sexual exploitation and online grooming. Reports indicate a 10% rise in child sexual exploitation crimes within the last year, with online grooming crimes increasing by 82% over the past five years (Unseen). ? ? of calls to Unseen are from members of the public concerned about exploitation, including: physical abuse, not being paid properly by employers (exploiters), tension with and fear of employer (potential exploiter), or living arrangements being tied to employment. ? The greatest number of helpline calls are from #labour exploitation in the workforce. In 2023, for the first time, cases of exploitation were predominantly in the #CareSector. Before that it was traditionally in the #ServiceIndustry. ??Unseen run the free, 24/7, confidential national Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline open to everyone (08000 121 700). ?? Thank you Alice Dutton, Lauren Saunders, Natasha Mitra and Unseen's anonymous Case Worker for this important discussion! #humantrafficking #modernslavery #stoptrafficking #humanrights #WorldDayAgainstTraffickinginPersons
Imagine a world where all survivors are thriving, independent, and empowered. Today, on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we ask you to see the world #ThroughTheirEyes and support our new appeal.? ? Survivors of modern slavery arriving at our charity?face unimaginable challenges. Your donation will?help provide?essential services like ongoing trauma-informed care?and practical assistance,?as well as communal activities and employability workshops. Donate now and invest in hope ?? ? #endhumantrafficking #endmodernslavery #donate #charity #survivorsupport #WorldDayAgainstTraffickinginPersons #WDATIP #WDATIP2024?#investinhope #hope #resilience?#humanrights?
On this blessed Jumma, let’s fill our day with good deeds pray, forgive, give charity, and spread kindness. Every small act brings us closer to Allah's mercy. #JummahMubarak #gooddeeds #blessedfriday #FaithInAction #connectsmarketing #conxmark #digitalmarketing
Small steps is all we need to take , in the right direction
Be the Light Someone Needs Today! Small acts of kindness can create ripples of change. Join ASG HOPE & HEAL FOUNDATION in making a real difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we can spread smiles and bring hope to countless hearts. ?? ?? Contact us: +91 9910690579 ?? Email: [email protected] ?? Website: ?? Donate here: #togetherwecandobetter #bethelight #makeadifference #spreadsmiles #hopeandheal #nonprofitorganization #helpinghands #actofkindness #togetherwecan #supportforacause #communitylove #hopeforhumanity #changemakers #volunteerwithus #givebacktothecommunity #humanityfirst
If like me you are making last minute contributions, here's one to consider. Support education in Haiti! Help educate future leaders, doctors, business owners, educators. #TheHaitianProject
Like during an exciting game of soccer at Louverture Cleary School, there is only so much time to make a goal. THP's Christmas Match closes New Year's Eve at midnight ... and there is only $550 in matching funds remaining. Please help us reach our goal and close the Match with a win! Because now, more than ever, Haiti needs Louverturians. Donate at Thank you! #educationworks #educateHaiti #louvertureclearyschool
October was crazy busy for everyone, and as we start into November, well its just crazy lol. If for some reason you missed the "Month of Giving" that we at the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) conducted, it is of course not too late to express your support for our work and the movement through a donation to the IACP. There is a link in the post below - and you can make a one-off dono via "Count Me In" or step up to a small regular dono through the Leadership Links or Sustaining Links levels of gratitude/generosity. As little as $83 per month puts you in the company of this community's leaders - which is why we call it "Leadership Links", because that level = $1000 per year! Change happens through a thousand points of individual action. Its incremental. Its cumulative. We seek to transform how conflict is resolved, worldwide. Our mission needs your help. Today it might just feel good to contribute to the betterment of the world, you know what I mean? For those that took the call to give THANK YOU. For those that can't WE UNDERSTAND. For those that wanted to help during our Month of Giving but didn't have the chance NOW IS THE TIME! #Peacemakers #Revolution #BeLikeStu #Collaborative #Divorce #ChangeMakers
As a donor to IACP, you are a part owner in the future success of the Collaborative Practice movement and a better way for families to resolve disputes. Together, we are transforming the way family disputes are resolved around the world. Donate today: #MonthOfGiving
Please consider supporting Asian Law Alliance during this #GiveInMay!
Meet one of our clients! ALA Deputy Direct, Bea, helps ALA client with humanitarian reinstatement. After being apart for more that 30 years, client and her daughter (and grandkids) reunites in the United States. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others. Donate at #GiveInMay #APPIHeritageMonth
Cerebral Palsy mainly affects their motor skills - their brains are not always affected. Imagine being trapped in a body that doesn’t want to do the things you want it to. Basically sums up life with the condition. Since starting this social branding development for businesses I’ve had a unique lens into such interesting insights. Yes, more donations, sales, and volunteers are the ROI of these charities and NGOs but equally important is general awareness! People don’t care because they don’t know about it. They don’t know to care, help, or get involved. We don’t know what we don’t know! When it comes to social-type content, being available online is (and should) be the prioritised goal. Everything happens after consistency and time. Especially if you’re starting with zero. And now you know Bobby can see you awkwardly avoiding him. ??
Of course, Bobby Yeo from Friends of the Disabled Society can inspire us all! Thank you, Bobby! Thank you, Gary Koay from Jaidee & Ko, for creating this video to support our charity partner. Don’t forget to follow Friends of the Disabled Society: #cereblalpalsy #3degrees #3degreesapp