California Shakespeare Theater的动态

Thanks to a generous outpouring of public support, we raised nearly 10% of our goal in a single day, but unfortunately we’re not out of the woods yet! Between our Go Fund Me and private donations and pledges, we are currently sitting at around $140,000—which is no small feat in less than a week! However, we are still fighting to reach our initial goal of $350,000 by tomorrow, August 1st in order to not only move forward with our 50th Anniversary production of As You Like It, but also to ensure that our staff are secure for the rest of the season. We cannot thank you enough for answering to our call for aid at this time, and we must continue to ask as we get down to the wire to determine whether this production can move forward. If you have given, thank you. If you can give, thank you. If you cannot give but can share, thank you. As the Duke Senior says in Act 2, Scene 7: “Thou seest we are not all alone unhappy. / This wide and universal theater / Presents more woeful pageants than the scene / Wherein we play in.” We are not the first theater to have struggled, nor shall we be the last, but with our community to rally behind us, we believe we can continue forward. Help us close the gap: ? ? ? #CalShakes #Shakespeare #CalShakesAYLI #AsYouLikeIt #AtTheBruns #CalShakes50 #Zendaya #colemandomingo #annettebening #ArtsEducation #contracostacounty #alamedacounty #easybay #SF #calshakescritters
