How to get a job during the holidays & leverage the holidays for your job search success ?

How to get a job during the holidays & leverage the holidays for your job search success ?

How to leverage the holidays for your job search ?

Don't forget to take advantage of this holiday season for your next job

**For College Students** This is the best time to start your transition from campus to corporate

Survey says less than one percent (< 1%!) more jobs were filled in January, 2019 than were filled in December, 2018. And many of those jobs filled in January were very likely based on interviews conducted in December. January is always the toughest and most competitive and crowded job market of the year because SO many people hit “pause” for the holidays

1: Make the Holiday Season Count

2: Take Advantage of Holiday Parties

3: Keep Your Spirits High

4: Expand and Leverage Your Network

5: Advance Your Job Search

6: Special Circumstances

Take advantage of the year-end scramble to fill jobs.

Most people think that the weeks after Thanksgiving are dead but in reality, companies are scrambling to fill jobs before their budgets are lost in the New Year. If you send your resume during these weeks, you are much more likely to be noticed in many organizations

Employers want to hit the New Year running.

Many companies, whether their fiscal year ends December 31st or not, view the New Year as a great time to rally the troops, and have everything in place to improve company performance for the next quarter or next year. There is a great deal of intangible pressure on managers to be prepared. They often want to get the people, resources, and projects in place to be able to run full speed ahead as the New Year begins. They, therefore, often put extra effort into getting people hired before the end of the year

They’re spending those budgets before year-end. Many job seekers slow down their job search during the holidays because of a common misconception that employers don’t hire until after the New Year. Instead, do the opposite. Many employers have a budget they want to spend before year-end. And you’ll have less competition for positions that do get posted.

Go; don’t slow. Many job seekers give up searching between Thanksgiving and New Year fearing slow – or – no hiring, but the holiday season is the best time to reach out to personal and professional contacts

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