Congratulations to Cory Hurwitz Lindsay Bowden and Andrew Pletcher, Esq. on their published opinion in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal. We are proud to represent a staff psychologist for a federal prison who was targeted by a corrections officer who operated an Instagram account followed by prison employees which posted sexually offensive content about the psychologist and their work place. When the psychologist complained about the page to prison management, they told her the page was “funny” and “not a problem.” The case was on appeal from a lower court ruling that held that because the offensive content occurred outside of the workplace, the Plaintiff could not bring her claims. In the Opinion, Justice Kim McLane Wardlaw wrote, “We also reject the notion that only conduct that occurs inside the physical workplace can be actionable, especially in light of the ubiquity of social media and the ready use of it to harass and bully both inside and outside of the physical workplace.” This Opinion will have widespread impact on future hostile work environment claims all throughout the state of California. #9thcircuit #appeal #opinion #brockandgonzales
Brock & Gonzales, LLP的动态
?? New Probation Journal Article ?? The rehabilitation industry: Lived experience and performance Abstract We approach this essay through a unique observation of being on both sides of the criminal justice system as prisoners and drugs addicts to transitioning into professionals and educators within and around the criminal justice system. We argue that the concept of rehabilitation has – through the neo-liberal capitalist social system – evolved into a 'Rehabilitation Industry.' ?? Open Access here: Max Dennehy Leeds Trinity University Tony Blockley Joanna Adhikari David Best
Every year, 4.9 million of our brothers and sisters are booked into jail. Currently, close to 5 million of us are on parole or probation, navigating the precarious pathway back into society. A staggering 77 million Americans bear the mark of a criminal record. That's almost 1 in every 4 people. Imagine the human potential locked behind these statistics. Perhaps the most heart-wrenching fact? Nearly half of all Americans have a close family member who has been incarcerated. That's right, look to your left and right - the odds are someone close to you has been touched by the justice system. So, the real question is - how many of you are part of these statistics??? How many of you are living with a felony conviction or know someone who is? Remember, a system of justice should rehabilitate, not just punish. It's time for change.?? . . . . . . . #CriminalJusticeReform #MassIncarceration #JusticeSystem #RehabilitationNotRetribution #PrisonReform #TimeForChange #SpeakUp #YourStoryMatters #SecondChances #FelonyConvictions #IncarcerationNation #EndTheStigma #JusticeForAll #Probation #Parole #HumanRights #SocialJustice #EndMassIncarceration #CriminalRecord #PrisonIndustrialComplex #IncarceratedFamily #AmericanJusticeSystem #SharedExperiences
The Roseville Police Department is effectively policing to improve my quality of life. What are you and your agency doing for your residents? Not every #RTCC or police department has to constantly focus on violent crime. In fact, most agencies don't experience an ongoing volume of violent crime to base an RTCC's existence solely on that metric. My city had a little "tagging" problem recently. It certainly did not rise to the level of a homicide, but it definitely affected the residents' quality of life. The PD's RTCC assisted with the ultimate apprehension of the tagger. Great right? It turns out the tagger was on probation/parole for arson. So, the little tagging problem could have ended up being worse (or not). But, my quality of life was protected. When determining how your agency will incorporate real-time policing into its strategy, I caution against solely evaluating traditional metrics. What are the goals of your agency executives, elected officials, and your residents? How can your policing strategy achieve positive results for all of those stakeholders? Take it from the City of Roseville; it can be done by focusing on quality of life as much as violent or news-making crime. Leverage your people and your technology for positive results! Your people and your technology do great work, Chief Troy Bergstrom! It's appreciated. National Real Time Crime Center Association #RTIC
The sharp increase in police dismissals over the past year, highlighted by Personnel Today, is a stark reminder of the challenges facing law enforcement and the intense scrutiny public institutions are under. But this isn’t just about misconduct or failures in conduct—it’s about an evolving culture within the police force and a shift toward transparency and trust-building. As standards continue to rise, the push for reform is critical for rebuilding confidence in policing. These dismissals, though often seen negatively, could be viewed as a commitment to integrity and a serious step toward addressing systemic issues. It’s not just about reducing numbers; it’s about transforming the culture to create a police force that is held to account and can genuinely serve and protect. Is this shift enough to restore public trust? Or are there further steps that need to be taken? I’d love to hear your thoughts on what this means for the future of policing and public institutions overall. For those interested in the details, the article from Personnel Today offers a deeper look at the numbers and trends: #PoliceReform #Transparency #IntegrityInPolicing #PublicTrust #ChangeInCulture #UKPolice #PersonnelToday
In honor of National Prosecutor Recruitment Month, we want to share with you all the reasons why our attorneys chose a career as prosecutors for the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, and it might inspire someone to pursue a similar career. Assistant District Attorney Dwain Woodley explains how working at the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office provides unique opportunities for prosecutors, which includes being a part of the first DA’s Office in the nation to adopt and embrace prosecutor-initiated resentencing. “Since 2019, prosecutors have had the opportunity to lower an incarcerated person’s prison sentence when it no longer serves the interest of justice. These situations include 1) when the person’s original sentence is no longer equitable based on today’s sentencing laws and standards and/or 2) when the person’s rehabilitation efforts have been achieved allowing a safe return to the community. Under my leadership, our office was one of the first nationwide to adopt and embrace resentencing. Victim input and public safety are central to our careful analysis, of course. But as leaders in this developing area, we have resentenced more than 75 individuals and are participating in the nation's first Prosecutor-Initiated Resentencing Pilot program. What sets us apart is a comprehensive strategy, helping people with a safe transition back into the community by providing services to plan, coordinate, and evaluate their reentry needs such as housing and substance abuse.” – ADA Dwain Woodley Learn more about employment opportunities with the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office: #NationalProsecutorRecruitmentMonth #NDAA #ProsecutorCareer
Understanding the complexities of probation and parole is vital for anyone in the criminal justice field. Howard Abadinsky's "Probation and Parole: Corrections in the Community" offers a comprehensive guide to these essential systems. Highly recommended for your professional library. Purchase here: #CriminalJustice #CommunityCorrections #LawEnforcement #PolicyReform #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerAdvancement
Probation and Parole: Corrections in the Community
Following this week's announcement that a Sentencing Review will aim to end the prison crisis and provide long-term solutions for our justice system, in a new blog Rokaiya Khan, CEO of one our founding partner organisations Together Women project, Yorkshire and Humberside, explores why this is a critical moment for women's justice, and why this review could fundamentally reshape the treatment of women within the criminal justice system. Read: #CriminalJustice #CriminalJusticeSpecialists #WomensJustice #SentencingReview #NWJC
?? BREAKING NEWS The Government has announced a Sentencing Review, aimed at addressing major challenges within the criminal justice system, such as prison overcrowding. The review is expected to explore critical changes to sentencing practices in England and Wales - presenting an important opportunity to transform the treatment of women by the criminal justice system. Read our response from our CEO, Sonya Ruparel: Correction to image text: "This marks a pivotal moment and significant opportunity to transform the way women are treated by the criminal justice system." #CriminalJustice #UKPrisons #WomenInPrison
See how you can harness the power of lived experience to benefit your clients/business
Join St Giles' Director of Criminal Service, Nicky Park, in discussing how companies can better understand, recruit and support those who have come out of the criminal justice system. ? When: Feb 12th 4 pm -5 pm ? Where: Online ? Sign Up here: Recent data from the Ministry of Justice shows around one in four people of working age (16-64) has a criminal record. Maintaining the prison system costs the UK £6.85b annually. With over-crowding an issue, there is increasing demand to focus on prevention and rehabilitation, and as part of this employment pathways.
MD MoCo Juvenile Justice Data Summit, July 10 at Police Headquarters: On behalf of the MoCo Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission, I was pleased to organize a successful summit involving all the key players in JJ in our county yesterday morning. Impressive stakeholders from the state, courts, and county developed action steps to improve JJ systems. Three takeaways: violent juvenile crime rate is high and continues to increase (strikingly our jail population is the highest in its history); state's decriminalization of cannabis has proven problematic for schools and is seen as a gateway drug to the explosion in use of fentanyl particularly among at-risk populations; and the SUD treatment provider community remains in disarray from COVID and recent legislative and funding changes. Appropriate data collection, sharing, and reporting are among key strategies to reduce victimization and improve opportunities for youth to succeed.
I'm the reason lawyers are seen.
6 个月Doesn't matter where the content is posted. It's still posted and it still does damage regardless. Great job securing this monumental appeal.