We’re thrilled to announce that we have reached our annual funding goal! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed and supported us. Your generosity makes a real difference!
Breakthrough Challenge的动态
??We've planted the seeds of change and thanks to you, they're thriving! Celebrate the smashing success of our 'Planting Seeds' Kickstarter campaign, which soared past its goals to empower youth with crucial life lessons. Discover the journey ahead—from artistic creation to impactful education—and how you can continue to be part of this transformative movement. #PlantingSeedsSuccess #YouthEmpowerment https://wix.to/fXldmTC #newblogpost
Inspired Generosity Do you have a Giving Strategy? A well-planned, intentional strategy for your giving can make all the difference. At GlobalTrust Funds, our heart is to help generous people like you create a giving strategy of impact based on biblical values and life principles that empower you to be more generous and fully alive. If you want to give with more impact and leave a legacy of generosity, let’s start on this journey today.
NAOS lifted the veil on its new governance model, announcing that it now belongs to an Organization For Altruism (O.F.A.), a unique NGO-like model dedicated to the realization of human potential. ‘The question is not what planet we are going to leave to our children, but what children we are going to leave to the planet’. Based on this strong conviction, NAOS is now committed to putting people at the heart of all its decisions and actions. This is a major turning point for the company, expressing its humanist vision and its positive role in the transformation of society, beyond skincare. Discover the documentary at the heart of the great human adventure that is NAOS, its ecobiological approach and the new path opened up by the Organization For Altruism. Watch ‘NAOS, taking a chance on freedom’ here: https://lnkd.in/ewJtBzFp
NAOS, Le pari de la liberté - trailer
2024 was a year of impact, strengthening, and reflection at NJY Camps. Through milestones celebrated and challenges faced, we captured 10 moments that define who we are and what we strive to become. These stories remind us of the power of community and the work still ahead. To everyone who has been part of this journey—thank you for your trust, your generosity, and your belief in what we can achieve together. Here’s to learning, growing, and building a brighter future. https://conta.cc/4fjhS2p
At Learning Forte, our congregational and nonprofit backgrounds have made us empathetic to our colleagues preparing for program year launches. How are you embracing your constraints and turning them into opportunities for creativity and innovation? In this new blog post, Learning Forte Founder and CEO Stacy Williams-Duncan shares about how to unlock time and resource constraints. https://loom.ly/b2J4ZUY
What a beautiful and inspiring report. There is much to do in support of our nation’s families, especially when one looks at the “given” supports in other industrialized nations, where paid family leave and state-supported childcare are the norm. AND, ZERO TO THREE is making great strides for infants, babies, toddlers, parents, childcare workers, advocates, and more. This detailed report shows heart-centered leadership making a huge difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of little ones and their caregivers. The trauma — and its consequences — prevented by the policy work, advocacy, early interventions, trainings, support of parents, and people working with children and parents, truly cannot be measured. No doubt the dollars invested here have massive economic returns. AND the stress, pain, worry prevented by this work? That is vitally important as quality of life is improved; as harried parents, with this support, can breathe and enjoy their children. That kind of support lasts a lifetime in early relational health and the optimal brain development that goes with it, increasing the likelihood of healthier outcomes in physical, mental, and emotional health. Hope you’ll join me in being uplifted and inspired by reading this stellar report. Too, who doesn’t love all those photos of babies?!? ??????
I could not be more proud of the role each and every one of ZERO TO THREE employees, donors and supporters have in ensuring every baby has a strong start in life.?? ? Our 2023 Impact Report demonstrates that our commitment to putting babies at the center of everything we do is not just a statement, it's a testament to the profound impact that focused connection can bring.??? ? Please take a few minutes to explore our work, our impact and our vision for the future.
The ZERO TO THREE 2023 impact report is out! Come take a look at what we've been doing in support of infants, toddlers, families, and communities. #childwelfare #childwellbeing #earlychildhoodeducation #childrensmentalhealth #parenting #preschool #systemschange
I could not be more proud of the role each and every one of ZERO TO THREE employees, donors and supporters have in ensuring every baby has a strong start in life.?? ? Our 2023 Impact Report demonstrates that our commitment to putting babies at the center of everything we do is not just a statement, it's a testament to the profound impact that focused connection can bring.??? ? Please take a few minutes to explore our work, our impact and our vision for the future.
Ever planned a team retreat? Then you know the challenge of making it worthwhile for the huge investment of time you're asking from colleagues (just multiply bodies X days, throw in travel, etc etc and it quickly swells into a giant commitment). Here's a formula that might just be gold: immersion in a relevant business book (pre-read) + social time/celebration of teammates + tight future-year planning + some cool swag + M&M's (lots of M&Ms actually). Cap it off by giving back in some way that leverages your company's deepest skill. The Compass Group put those ingredients together last month beautifully, ending with a full day of pro bono sessions on fundraising for the League of Historic American Theatres. Retreats can be exhausting and costly. They can also be inspiring springboards. That is, totally worth it! Just don't forget the M&Ms... #retreats #philanthropy #fundraising
The makings of an exceptional team retreat: personalized M&M Mars, new coffee mugs from YETI and an insightful group read! Will Guidara, we loved the book and appreciate the inspiration to be unreasonable for our nonprofit clients!
Dear Boulder friends, neighbors and colleagues, ? I'm writing as one person who cares deeply about kids in Boulder to another.?I am a board member of a nonprofit called Growing Up Boulder.?While you may be feeling powerless when it comes to?effecting?change at the national level right now, Growing Up Boulder empowers our kids at the local level to “be the change they want to see.”?I'm writing to ask for you to support Growing Up Boulder's work with kids to combat intolerance, apathy, and powerlessness, and instead, work with young people to build hope, action, and a better future for all of us.?All of Growing Up Boulder's programs are free to the community, and more than half of the young people we serve are youth of color, kids who experience disabilities, kids who identify as LGBTQ and kids who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Colorado Gives Day is coming up on December 10th, but you can contribute early--between now and 12/10. My goal is to have friends and family donate $5 each month--the price of a cup of coffee--to our mission of elevating children and youth voices. Our goal is to raise $20,000, and we have a donor who will match up to $10,000. Check out some of our most impactful projects: Boulder is becoming a UNICEF USA Child Friendly City Initiative (CFCI). We’ve worked alongside 1,000 children, youth, parents, and service providers (75% of whom are from historically marginalized?groups) this last year to find out what they feel Boulder’s top 3 issues are in better supporting young people’s wellbeing. A Youth Action Plan will be developed by a Youth Committee, voted on by City Council, and implemented using $2 million from the sale of the Broncos.?Projects like CFCI teach kids about civic engagement and create life-long contributors to our democracy! Connecting kids to nature.?We're working on projects across the city of Boulder to hear how kids and their parents want to engage with neighborhood spaces for nature.?Primos Park is a great example of our collaboration with underserved kids and families, the City of Boulder, and local preschools.?With your help, we can build nature spaces that support children's mental and physical health and contribute to the health of the planet! Helping kids heal from the King?Soopers tragedy.?We created a "Youth Leadership Healing Committee" composed of 21 teens, and they created a "Youth Healing Day of Remembrance."?More than 200 people attended this youth-led event, which was hosted at BMoCA.?Then, we helped the teens turn the activities from that day into a bilingual, free toolkit for teachers and community groups to use with their youth.?Two teens partnered with us to train BVSD teachers, administrators and nonprofit partners on how to use the toolkit. Your donation will help us continue projects like the ones above and will contribute to a more equitable, sustainable, and child-friendly Boulder. Please help us with this work https://lnkd.in/gvvbPGdk
?? Just Ask Mia was created through the power of collaboration! Together for Arizona, 2-1-1 Arizona, Solari, Inc., Valley Leadership’s Impact Maker Team, Sprouts Healthy Community Foundations, and the Family Involvement Center, came together with one mission: to make finding resources simple and accessible for families. ? Big things happen when organizations work together! Learn more about Mia at justaskmia.org.