Today we hosted our second EQTY 2024: Accelerating Health Justice summit, a nationwide effort to spark conversation and highlight key disparities in the healthcare system. BMC's Thea James, MD, MPH, MBA, opened by saying “Today, we are here to end the blame game...To shed ourselves, and others, of the mythical notion that poverty and poor health outcomes are a ‘fact’ of Black, Hispanic, and Latino American life.” Fruitful conversation filled the rest of the day around ensuring that decades of structural inequities in health care will no longer dictate the future. Thank you to all speakers and attendees for inspiring justice within healthcare as we all work to build trust, implement practical solutions, and empower our communities.
Congratulations and thank you for a phenomenal day!
Great work BMC. This is why we at Kaolel believe so strongly in the power of real world evidence to diminish healthcare disparities ????????????