Last Spring, Molly Baz woke up to discover her Times Square billboard for Swehl had been taken down. Her pregnant belly and milk-filled breasts were deemed inappropriate... Then Seed Health entered the chat and put her back up in solidarity to help us normalize pregnant bodies. Today, Baz is back on that same controversial Times Square Billboard (shoutout to OUTFRONT Media)—this time as a new mom with her baby, her boobs, and a bottle of Bobbie??? When we realized Molly was using Bobbie to combo feed her baby it was a no brainer to continue the conversation that our female founder friends have started: our bodies shouldn’t be policed and neither should our feeding choices. The choice to have Molly bare all was intentional. There is still work to do to help breastfeeding moms feel supported, especially when it comes to feeding in public. There is still work to do to help parents feel confident in their feeding choices—whatever that may be. There is still work to do to help formula feeding parents not feel second best. So let’s get to work??? Learn more:
America is weird and overly puritanical when it comes to breast feeding. I’ve spent a lot of time oversees in Europe and one day I saw a woman walking through the train station breast feeding her baby and no one was bothered or even noticed. Love the work you’re doing to support mothers.
SO great!!!
Bobbie continues to teach us a master class in building a brand and deeply understanding their audience. Absolutely iconic.
This is epic! Normalize feeding our children in public and normalize multiple forms of feeding.
So good!
Why do you need to show me you know how to feed your kid?
This is incredible. Great work team!
formula is food ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Absolutely brilliant strategy! There are so many complicated emotions and experiences around motherhood and feeding your baby. What a great way to contribute to and further the conversation in an honest, welcoming, and genuine way.
Should be a no-brainer - I pass ads featuring women wearing less regularly, all with the intent to funnel my money into some old dude's pockets. MORE OF THIS ????