? Believe it or not, your children are already learning about money from you.
Their financial literacy classes don't start when you sit them down and say "Let me teach you" or give them money for chores.
?Their true financial literacy lesson started when they watched how you behaved around money. How you spoke about money; complaining about how broke you were (even though you worked every day)
Remember the times you went into the grocery store and your parent told you either:
1. Don't ask me to buy you anything or
2. When you did ask they told you "they couldn't afford it"
Can you remember how disappointed or angry you felt?
Maybe you can or can't
However, these were your first money lessons!
Now those feeling of disappointment, anger, or fear still lives inside, dictating your every money move.
From how you save to how you treat your money.
Teaching your children money management skills is great, but teaching them how to behave emotionally and with their words around money is far more powerful money management skills.
When's the best time to start teaching your kids about financial literacy?
Laura Levine, President and CEO of the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy shares some tips.