On October 20th, a team representing Bishops Bay volunteered at the 19th annual Waunakee Food for Kidz meal packing event at Dane Manufacturing in Waunakee as part of our Bishops Bay Cares initiative. Our team packed thousands of meals, contributing to a total of 312,984 meals?packed that day. Waunakee Food for Kidz is a nonprofit dedicated to providing nutritious meals to those in need, both locally and globally. Over the past 19 years, they have packaged over 4 million meals. At their annual event, volunteers work in assembly lines to pack meals, with 100% of donations going toward meal production. The organization operates entirely through volunteer efforts, driven by the support of the community. The meals we helped pack that day will be sent to Feed My Lambs Orphanage and School in Haiti to help feed children and their families, as well as to support Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina with food and supplies. Additionally, meals will be provided to the River Food Pantry in Madison, helping to meet the needs of our local community. Thank you to Waunakee Food for Kidz for organizing this event, to everyone who volunteered from the Bishops Bay team, and all of the other organizations and volunteers who helped make this event a success. We look forward to next year!