It’s important you know that your efforts to stay home and practice social distancing, in these times, are nothing short of acts of courage and heroism. Our collective heroes have always put the greater needs of the people above their personal ones. You are doing the same, and it is literally SAVING lives. You all must know that YOUR restraint and perseverance is mightier than ANYTHING else anyone can do to defeat this enemy. #coronaviruspandemic #COVID19 #coronavirus #stayhomesavelives
Thanks for your Leadership during these trying times Bill!! Your voice of calm and reason do MUCH to reassure people that our efforts individually and collectively are working as a nation and as members of the global community of which we are a part!! Thanks again Bill!! All The Best!!! - Mark
Thanks, this is helpful and encouraging.
Great advice Bill!
Thanks for sharing! Yes we are behaving! We had planned to go to FL for spring break! Had a serious Staycation! Lol Hope u & fam r great! :)
Thank you ???? ????????
Thanks Senator. I enjoy watching your videos. I would really appreciate if you could reach out to me
Thank you, Senator. Great advice, well delivered. Leadership