Attention employers: Even if OSHA were to be limited or god forbid abolished you would still need to continue complying as you currently do because: 1. Civil litigation would still exist for employee injuries and consensus standards or industry best practices would be used to show your negligence. 2. Employees will not want to work in workplaces with unnecessary hazards. 3. Injuries in the workplace and poor safety measures reduce employee morale. 4. Poor safety performance deducts from your bottom line reducing profit and increasing down time. 5. Negative stigma associated with lack of safety can result in loss of current customers or disqualification from earning new business with customers who value safety. 6. Your building insurance provider will still expect that you minimize their risk of loss through preventative measures such as hot work and fire safety programs. 7. Your workers compensation provider will still expect that you minimize their risk of loss through implementation of comprehensive safety programs to reduce or prevent injury. #safety #BGDSafety #OSHA #safetyfirst