Dear DirectTV,
First, I must apologize to the LinkedIn community for the Festivus equivalent of "Airing of Grievances", but this is the only social media outlet I use...
Thank you, DirectTV, for the prolonged negotiations with Disney, resulting in the loss of multiple channels for an indeterminate period of time. I recognize that Disney plays an equal role in this, however, it has been my experience that two parties work to re-negotiate a contract prior to its expiration. You may have been in negotiations, but without transparency, we, the customer (do you remember us?), would not know.
I'd also like to thank you for raising my pricing by 10% in a time period where you are providing a reduced service level.
Lastly, to add insult to injury, you've offered a one-time $30 refund for the inconvenience. Upon going through the process to claim said refund [Enter your email address and hit Submit], you don't recognize the only email address associated with this account (the one you used to send me your excuse for not providing service).
For what it's worth, I've learned a great deal in this experience about Customer Value. I have no expectation of action on your part, but, I do appreciate that you've afforded me these insights. Goodbye.